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Population and Education
Eva Lotti Hansen
+45 21 59 99 06

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Teacher-student register for primary school

The MED-Elementary is currently available for the school year 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23 .

Comparability - geographical

There are no similar statistics in other countries.

Comparability over time

The MED-Elementary is available for the three school years 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23.

Coherence - cross domain

The student population in MED-Elementary is obtained from Statistic Denmark's Student Registry, but there will be discrepancies with previous years' student populations, as revisions in the Student Registry are not incorporated into EMD-Elementary.

Coherence - internal

In the data processing, consistency is ensured between students, groups, activities and teachers through the formation of three relationship tables. Relationships are only formed between two entities in cases where there is temporal consistency.