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Teacher-student register for primary school

The database, MED-Elementary, contains information about students, groups, teachers and their activities in public elementary schools and other schools at the level of primary to lower secondary education in Denmark. The register covers 0th to 10th grade in the Danish school system.

In its current form, the registry covers from the school year of 2020/21 and are updated yearly with the addition of another year.

Data description

MED-Elementary is a unique database on global scale, that creates possibilities for research in teaching at the level of the individual lesson in Danish public elementary schools (primary and lower secondary).

The database contains information about elementary school students, their association to institutions, groups, and grades with corresponding start- and end dates. It also contains information about employees, their association to institutions, and their main role at the institution with corresponding start- and end dates. In addition, there is information about the groups, the type of group, and the creation- and closing date of the group. Last but not least, there is information about the activities in the schools in the form of a description of the activity, the start- and end times, and associations to groups and employees. The students are arranged in institutions and groups, where the groups can be the main class, teams for electoral subjects and similar. All students have exactly one main group pr. institution they are associated to, and that will typically be their main class.

The registry is organized in four fundamental tables - student, employee, group, lesson - and three relational tables that connect the four units to each other. The students are coupled together in groups. The groups and teachers are both coupled to the lessons. That means that teachers can be coupled to students via the lessons and groups.

Classification system

Education activities in the elementary school are divided according to grade and follow DISCED, which is Statistics Denmark's classification of educations. DISCED is the Danish version of the international classification system ISCED.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for this statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Primary school: Teaching for children of the compulsory age

Statistical unit

The statistic units are activities, groups, and persons, where persons include students, teachers, and other employees.

Statistical population

The population consists partly of students, that have been enrolled in an elementary school (0th to 10th grade) i Denmark and partly of the personnel, who are attached to the schools.

Reference area


Time coverage

The school year 2020/21-. There is only information about students and groups from Unilogin from September 1st 2020.

Base period

Not relevant for this statistics.

Unit of measure

The statistical units are persons, activities/lessons, and groups.

Reference period

The reference time is the school year from 1 August to 31 July.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark §6.

Cost and burden

The burden on respondents is minimal, since the information is typed into the systems for other purposes.


Further information can be obtained by inquiry to Statistics Denmark.