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The annual and quarterly working time accounts before the 2016 revision (Discontinued)
The statistics are published in:
- News from Statistics Denmark (Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik),
- in the series Statistical News ("Statistiske Efterretninger") and
- in the Statbank Denmark ("Danmarks Statistikbank").
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The WTA is published in News from Statistics Denmark, see.
The WTA is included in the Statistical Yearbook of Chapter Labour, earnings and income Section Employment.
A report: Integrated labour market statistics - the Labour Market Accounts and the Working Time Accounts 1995-97 (Integreret arbejdsmarkedsstatistik - Arbejdsmarkedsregnskab og Arbejdstidsregnskab 1995-97) was published in December 1998. In this report, the Working Time Accounts were presented including a far more detailed description of the applied primary sources and conceptual differences between these (The report is available at Dst bookshop.
On-line database
Data are available, free of charge, from the database Statbank Denmark (Danmarks Statistikbank), see WTA-tables.
The quarterly tables are:
- ATR20: Quarterly Working Time Accounts distributed by Statistics Denmark's Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (DB07), sector, type and socio-economic status (replaces ATR11KV)
- ATR24: Working Time Accounts (seasonally adjusted) distributed by industrial activity (DB07 10-grouping), type and socio-economic status (replaces ATR3KV)
- ATR26: Working Time Accounts (seasonally adjusted) distributed by sector, type and socio-economic status (replaces ATR4KV)
The annual tables are:
- ATR30: Annual Working Time Accounts distributed by Statistics Denmark's Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007 (DB07), sector, type, socio-economic status and sex (replaces ATR11)
- ATR32: Annual Working Time Accounts on the basis of the National Accounts industrial classification by activity (DB07), sector, type, socio-economic status and sex (replaces ATR22)
- ATR: Index of working hours data (2010 = 100) by gender, sector and type (replacing ATRI)
The former (not continued) time series for the period covering quarters (1st quarter 1995 - 2nd quarter 2012) and the years 1995-2010* are available from StatBank Denmark under finished series.
It is not possible to draw comparisons between the new WTA and the former WTA, as the sources, population, method and concepts have been changed compared to the previous WTA.
Micro-data access
Data in the WTA is aggregated, where the number of hours worked, compensation of employees, the average number of jobs and the average employment summed to 6 digit industry level (DB), sector 2, socioeconomic status 3, sex, and 5 groups of scope of work. From this level data is summarized for publication level (including different types of industrial aggregates).
The basic material consists only of existing statistics. The primary statistical data for the compilation of quarterly working time accounts is widely stored, but detailed non-published information is not made available.
The WTA transmit various data series to the EUROSTAT-STS.
STS-variable | Annex A: Industrial | Annex B: Construction | Annex C: Retail trade and repair | Annex D: Other services |
Employment (sts variable 210) | INDEMPL | CONSEMPL | RTDEMPL | SERVEMPL |
Hours worked (sts variable 220) | INDHOUR | CONSHOUR | RTDHOUR | SERVHOUR |
Gross Wages and Salaries (sts variable 230) | INDEARN | CONSEARN | RTDEARN | SERVEARN |
In addition, the WTA delivers data to internal users, especially for the national accounts, but also to other stakeholders in relation to the short term statistical forum.
Confidentiality - policy
There is usually no need to discretionate since WTA is based on aggregated data. See also Statistics Denmark privacy policy.
Confidentiality - data treatment
There is usually no need to subjct the data to Statistics Denmarks's non-disclosure practice since the WTA is based on aggregated data.
However, data have been subjected to the non-disclosure practice in relation to deliveries to EU-STS, as some industry groups are not relevant or only relevant to a very limited extent in Denmark. These are industry 2-digit NACE groups : 'B06', 'B08', 'B09', 'C19'.
In section data treatment is a description of the individual work processes in the regular operation of the WTA.
Documentation on methodology
A report: Integrated labour market statistics - the Labour Market Accounts and the Working Time Accounts 1995-97 (Integreret arbejdsmarkedsstatistik - Arbejdsmarkedsregnskab og Arbejdstidsregnskab 1995-97) was published in December 1998. In this report, the Working Time Accounts were presented including a far more detailed description of the applied primary sources and conceptual differences between these (The report is available at Dst bookshop).
The Working Time Accounts will currently be published in the series Labour Marked (Statistical News), together with the release of the main results in News from Statistics Denmark.
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.