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The annual and quarterly working time accounts before the 2016 revision (Discontinued)
The Working Time Accounts produce integrated statistics with consistent time series on employment, jobs, number of hours worked and compensation of employees on an annual and quarterly basis. The data basis is made up by a number of primary statistical data, which are adapted and adjusted to achieve agreement of the concepts and definitions used in the WTA system.
The statistical sources used in the WTA are:
- The Register-Based Labour Force statistics (RAS),
- Establishment-related employment statistics (ERE statistics),
- The Structural Earning Statistics (SES),
- Employment Statistics for Employees (BfL) og
- The Labour Force Survey (LFS).
Data description
The primary purpose of the WTA is to compile time series on hours worked. In addition, an object is to calculate the wage and employment data for national accounts. The current statistics include data broken down by sex, industry, two sectors (general government, corporations and organizations) and socioeconomic status (self-employed, assisting spouses or employees).
The WTA is an integrated statistic with consistent time series on employment, jobs, hours worked and wages in both annual and quarterly basis. The data base consists of a number of statistics which are adapted and adjusted to the framework provided by the WTA system.
The system for the Working Time Accounts is the result of a three-year project established in Statistics Denmark in 1995 with grants by The European Social Fund. The purpose of the project was to improve the current statistical description of the Danish labour market. The background to the WTA is that there has been a considerable expansion in the number of statistics covering the labour market and the fact that the figures from different statistics are not immediately comparable. The project work has been concentrated on developing statistical systems integrating already existing labour market statistics. In December 1998 the project ended with the publication of a report: "Integrated Labour Market Statistics - the Labour Market Accounts and the Working Time Accounts 1995-97" ("Integreret arbejdsmarkedsstatistik - Arbejdsmarkedsregnskab og Arbejdstidsregnskab 1995-97") in which two new statistical systems were presented. In 1999 the WTA were presented by Statistics Denmark with the inclusion of annual as well as quarterly statistics.
In December 2012 the Working Time Accounts were adjusted, implying that new data sources (primarily based on eIncome) are used for the compilation. Subsequently, the WTA are compiled on the basis of a new system. As changes have been made to the population, concepts, sources as well as methods, this has resulted in revised levels and revised developments throughout the year.
As from the next publication changes will be made to the Working Time Accounts. With the publication in September 2016 of the WTA for the second quarter of 2016 and the annual WTA for 2008-2015 the working time accounts system surpasses to use data from the new Labour Market Accounts (LMA). This will cause minor changes in the levels of employment, jobs, hours worked and compensation of employees.
The Working Time Account transmit quarterly data to the short term business statistics (STS). The variables transmitted to STS_Eurostat are: - Number of Persons Employed (Variable 210) - Hours Worked (Variable 220): Paid hours worked in the jobs. - Gross Wages and Salaries (Variable 230): Earned DKK earned as compensation for hours worked or for hours paid but not worked.
Classification system
Industry: Industry indication is linked to the workplace and specific workplace's main activity, according to Statistics Denmark Danish Industrial Classification. Danish Industrial Classification is a 6-digit nomenclature based on the EU industrial nomenclature, NACE rev. 2.0, which constitutes the first 4 digits of the Danish Industrial Classification (DB07). In WTA publish aggregated industry reports, where the activities subdivided by industry codes are aggregated to Statistics Denmark's standard classifications. Also WTA publish statements broken down by [national accounts industrial aggregates]( ~ / media/Kontorer/06-Nationalregnskab/nr-erhvervsgrupperingerdb07-pdf.pdf)
Sector: Sector uses national account sectors (ESA 2010 sectors) to make a 2 group sector breakdown in the WTA: general government versus Corporations and organizations.
- General government include central government, regional government, municipal government, and social security funds.
- Corporations and organizations includes private corporations, public corporations, private nonprofit organizations and sector not stated.
A detailed description of the transformation to ESA 2010 sectors is given in the paper Ny sektorkode i beskæftigelsesstatistikkerne (New sector code in the employment statistics).
Socioeconomic Status: Socioeconomic status is in WTA alone a breakdown if you are an employee, self-employed or assisting spouse (i.e. 3 groups).
Full time: In the annual Working Time Accounts a few tables are broken down according to work on full-time and part-time in the series Statistical News ("Statistiske Efterretninger"). In the present context, full-time work is defined as at least 32 paid hours of work in the job per week for employment over the entire week, or at least 139 paid hours of work in the job for employment over the entire month. Self-employed persons and assisting spouses work full-time in their main job. If they work as self-employed in their secondary job, they are working part time.
Sector coverage
WTA covers all the ESA 2010 sectors Danish registered companies can be assigned (i.e. all sectors excluding rest of the world and foreign-controlled entities).
However, WTA sectors aggregated to a division into 2 groups, respectively Corporations and organizations and General government.
General government include central government, regional government, municipal government, and social security funds.
Corporations and organizations includes private corporations, public corporations, private nonprofit organizations and sector not stated.
See sectors for more detailed information on ESA2010 sectors.
Regarding data transmitted to the Eurostat short term business statistics (STS), only data in sector group Corporations and organizations are transmitted, and the indicators are broken down according to Annexes according to NACE rev. 2.0 local kind of activity unit according to the Danish business register:
A: Industry (IND), covering Sections B to E (B, C, D, E, B_TO_E36, B06, B08, B09, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C33, D35, E36, MIG_ING, MIG_CAG, MIG_DCOG, MIG_NDCOG, MIG_NRG)
B: Construction (CONS), covering Section F
C: Retail Trade and Repair (RTD), covering Division 47, except Group 47.3 (G45, G46, G47, G47_X_G473)
D: Other services (SERV), covering most of Sections H to N (H, H49, H50, H51, H52, H53, I, J, J58, J59, J60, J61, J62, J63, L, M_STS, N_STS)
No cut-off on the basis of the number of employees is used. All size classes are included (no breakdown on size classes).
Statistical concepts and definitions
Employment: Employment is an assessment of how many people (headcount) employed at any given time. Employed is, if one has an attachment to a workplace in the form of a job where you at least have one hour of paid work in the reference week. See detailed description of concepts.
Job: Jobs shows the number of jobs that are active (excluding temporary absences in the form of eg. maternity or other leave) at any given time. The labour market statistics are a job actively, if there is a minimum of 1 paid hour per week. A job is defined as a person connected to a workplace. The same person can have several jobs at the same time. See detailed description of concepts.
Hours Worked: Hours worked are defined as hours paid by employers, including paid overtime and excluding paid hours of absence. Unpaid overtime hours and black work are excluded from the calculation of hours worked in the WTA. See detailed description of concepts.
Compensation of Employees: Compensation of employees in the WTA includes compensation of employees in cash or in kind which the employer pays to an employee for work performed in an accounting period. See detailed description of concepts.
Statistical unit
- Paid hours worked.
- Earned DKK.
- Number of persons.
- The number of jobs.
An employed person can have one or more jobs. A job is defined as a person connected to a workplace. In each job the person performs a number of hours worked and receives as compensation a salary measured in DKK. A job involving less than 1 hour of paid work per week is excluded from the job definition. The same requirement applies to the definition of persons employed, however, there is no requirement as regards the number of hours worked in relation to temporary absence.
The working time account is not calculated at the level of individual jobs. Data in WTA is aggregated, where the number of hours worked, compensation of employees, the average number of jobs and the average employment summed to industry level (6 digit DB), sector (2 groups), socioeconomic status (3 groups), sex (2 groups), and scope of work (5 groups). From this level data is summarized for publication level (including various types of industrial aggregates).
Statistical population
Employed employees, self-employed and assisting spouses of Danish registered enterprises.
The population covers persons working in Danish enterprises or on Danish ships. The population of the WTA are persons affiliated to Danish registered companies, which is consistent with ESA2010 boundaries. ESA2010 includes working in resident companies (see ESA 2010 paragraphs 2.04 to 2.11).
The WTA do not include employees of foreign business enterprises hired out for work in Denmark according to the rules governing hiring-out of labour.
Regarding data transmitted to the Eurostat short term business statistics (STS), only data in sector group Corporations and organizations are transmitted, and the indicators are broken down according to Annexes as defined in section Sector coverage.
Reference area
Time coverage
Q1 2008 - (for all indicators in all breakdowns).
Base period
Not applicable to this statistic. Only absolute values are published.
Unit of measure
Data are published in absolute values
- Employment is calculated as the number of persons.
- Job is calculated as the number of jobs.
- Hours worked is calculated as the number of hours. In STATBANK these are calculated in 1000 hours.
- Compensation of employees is measured in DKK. In STATBANK compensation of employees measured in millions DKK.
Data are published as:
- absolute values
- seasonally adjusted values
- working day adjusted (hours worked and compensation of employees).
Reference period
01-01-2008 - 31-03-2016
Frequency of dissemination
Annual and quarterly statistics are published.
Legal acts and other agreements
Not relevant for the Working Time Account as they are compiled exclusively on existing statistics.
WTA provides labour market data to EUROSTAT business short-term regulation (STS) and the national accounts (ESA / ESA).
STS: Council Regulation (EC) concerning short-term statistics:
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 of 19 May 1998 concerning short-term statistics, 1165/98, OJ L 165, p.1, 05-06-1998.
- European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1158/2005 of 6 July 2005 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1165 / 98 concerning short time statistics. 1158/2005, OJ L 191, p.1, 22-07-2005.
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 586/2001 of 26 March 2001 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards the definition of Main Industrial Groupings. 586/2001, OJ L 86, p 11, 27-03-2001.
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1503/2006 of 28 September 2006 implementing and amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards definitions of variables, list of variables and frequency of data compilation. 1503/2006, OJ L 281, p 15, 12-10-2006.
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 656/2007 of 14 June 2007 amending Regulation (EC) No 586/2001 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards the definition of industry groups. 656/2007, OJ L 155, p 3, 15/06/2007.
- COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1178/2008 of 28 November 2008 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics and Regulation (EC) No 1503/2006 and (EC) No 657/2007 as regards adaptations following the revision of statistical classifications NACE and CPA. 1178/2008, OJ L 319, p 16, 29-11-2008.
ESA / ESA: Council Regulation (EC) on the European system of national accounts:
- Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 of 25 June 1996 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Community. 2223/96 OJ L 310, p.1, 30-11-1996.
- European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1392/2007 of 13 November 2007 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223 / 96 with respect to the transmission of national accounts data. 1392/2007, OJ L 324, p.1, 10-12-2007.
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 715/2010 of 10 August 2010 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 as regards changes in the national accounts as a result of the revision of the statistical classification of economic activities NACE rev. 2 and the statistical products by activity (CPA). 715/2010, OJ 210, p.1, 11/08/2010.
Cost and burden
No response burden. New systems for reporting data have not been established. All data requirements are fulfilled by existing statistics.
Concepts in the Danish Working Time Accounts.
Break in WTA on transition to eIncome.
Break in WTA due to changed classifications since 2008.
Differences in concepts and statistics on employment and number of hours worked are described in the following paper begrebsforskelle.
Additional documentation of differences between the employment statistics can be found at employment.
Documentation relating exclusively to the working time accounts can be found at [the Working Time Accounts]