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Population and EducationAsger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46
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The Exit Register has been compiled since 2012 and there is no corresponding register in other countries.
Comparability - geographical
There is no corresponding register in other countries.
Comparability over time
The possibility for comparisons over time are good. When a education change level, it get a new UDD and AUDD code but both the old and the new codes will be classified on the new level. You will not have to search the policeman different places in classification although the education for police officer has evolved and changed level. Police officers with the shorter education is lifted up - a police officer is a police officer. When a education change level in the classification system, e.g. from a short cycle higher education to a medium cycle higher education the number of students in short cycle higher education will decrease and the number of students in medium cycle higher education will increase. This will influence the comparison with previously published figures.
Coherence - cross domain
There are no comparable statistics in Denmark or other countries.
Coherence - internal
All data sources for The Exit Register is considered to have the same high quality.