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Population and EducationAsger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46
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The Exit Register is relevant if you want to highlight transition from education to either continuing education or the labor market.
User Needs
The Exit Register forms the basis for Statistics Denmark's publications of transition from education to the labor market.
User Satisfaction
In the work with education statistics the users are involved as much as possible. Some users can help secure that the data from the schools have a high quality. Other users can provide inspiration for new statistics and analysis. We try to get inspiration for the development of methods and models that can contribute to the continued development and improvement of statistics through users.
Data completeness rate
The starting point is a graduation year from the transition register. Information on education and labor market status 3, 9, 15 and 21 months after departure is linked to each graduation year. The education status information is obtained from the student register. If an individual is engaged in an open education, this information will not appear.