Target 5.2: End all violence against and exploitation of women and girls
Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.
The indicator is calculated by the Ministry of Justice's Research Office. The number of women who have stated that they have been subjected to physical violence or forced intercourse within the last 12 months in proportion to all women. The indicator differs from the UN definition as follows: 1) The indicator includes women aged 16-74 at the interview time (ages 16-79 in 2023). UN definition is 15 years or older. 2) When calculating the indicator, the denominator is composed of all women aged 16-74, regardless of whether they have / have been in a relationship. The UN's definition is that the denominator must be all women who have / have been in a relationship. 3) The indicator includes women who have stated that they have been subjected to physical violence or forced intercourse. The UN definition also includes women who have been exposed to psychological violence and other forms of sexual violence than forced intercourse. From 2020 the indicator includes women who have been exposed to psychological violence and other forms of sexual violence than forced intercourse. The indicator includes as of 2020, women who have been subject to psychological violence and other forms of sexual violence other than forced intercourse. Data from before 2020 cannot be directly compared to the data from 2020 and thereafter.
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