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    Certification of users

    All users working with data in one of Statistics Denmark’s microdata schemes must achieve certification. The certification ensures that everybody knows the data security rules under Statistics Denmark’s microdata schemes and feels safe using and transferring data. To ensure continued high focus on the data security rules, all users must subsequently achieve re-certification once a year.,  , Certification in practice, In practice, the certification takes place via Denmark’s Data Portal, where you must pass a test with questions on the data security rules described in , Research Services data security rules under the microdata schemes (pdf), . It is a good idea to read the rules before you start. You have three attempts per day to pass., See the video guide for user certification (in Danish), This is how you do it:, Log into Denmark’s Data Portal with your three/four-character ident and password., On your landing page, select the window ‘Learning and certification’. , Then select the tab ‘Certifications’. If it does not drop down automatically, click the small blue arrow., Answer the certification questions by clicking ‘Start certification’ and ‘OK’ in the info box that pops up., Answer the questions by clicking the option you believe to be correct., When you have answered all the questions, you click the button ‘Submit answer’, which has turned blue meanwhile., If you answer all ten questions correctly, you have passed the certification and you are considered able to handle data in accordance with our data security rules., Under ’Result’, your status will be indicated as ’Passed’, and a green info box appears with the text ’Congratulations, you have passed’., Under ’Resultat’ vil din status figurere som ’Bestået’, og der vises en grøn infoboks med teksten ’Tillykke, du har bestået’. , If you do not answer all ten questions correctly, you can see under ’Result’ how many questions you answered incorrectly in your attempt and how many remaining attempts you have. Furthermore, a red info box appears with the text ‘Sorry, you have not passed’., a) If you have more attempts left and want to re-take the test, press ’Certification front page’ and start over. Note that you have three attempts per day and that the questions change from time to time. Consider re-visiting the data security rules, before you try again., b) If you do not have any attempts left, your access to your projects will be locked for 24 hours. The small watch icon indicates when the 24 hours are up. After that, you can take the test again., The certification questions, The test contains questions about the data security rules (, data security rules under the microdata schemes (pdf), ). Since Statistics Denmark’s data security rules may differ from the practice in other institutions, it is important to read and know the rules under the microdata schemes. Knowing the rules is also the basis for answering the ten certification questions correctly. , Read more about the data security rules under Rules on transfer of analysis results , The questions are about access to researcher machines, pseudonymisation, transfer rules and working in general with data. Below you will find an example of a question that you can encounter in the certification test:, Question 1:, You have collected a survey that you are working on locally. You have registered the survey with the Danish Data Protection Agency, so the permits are in place. You have also sent the survey to Statistics Denmark to have the option of linking the survey with register data on the researcher server. Which is the correct statement?, Reply options:, a. You are allowed to download/transfer microdata from the survey that you have uploaded yourself., b. The only microdata you are not allowed to transfer, is microdata provided by Statistics Denmark to your project., c. Retrieval of microdata is never allowed regardless of data source.

    About microdata schemes

    Statistics Denmark’s Research Services makes data available to authorised institutions for specific research, fact-finding and analytical tasks. Access to data can be granted under various data schemes depending on the institution or the project to which you seek access., The researcher scheme , Researchers and other analysts from authorised institutions can create a project with access to Statistics Denmark’s register data. , Read more about authorisation of institutions, The project database scheme , The project database scheme is intended for institutions that are continuously creating projects with significant overlap in data content. Under this scheme, it is not allowed to carry out research directly on the project database, and the scheme must not be used for projects or tasks that are not directly related to the purpose of the project database. Furthermore, the institution must have one or more employees at who can serve as project database managers, of whom at least one can functions as an administrator. The duties of the project database manager include population generation, data extraction etc. as well as ongoing communication with Statistics Denmark., If you want to apply for a project database to be set up, you must contact the Project database group at ,, ., More on the project database scheme, An authorised institution can have a maximum of one project database. The project database is a collection of pseudonymised microdata. It is used over time for multiple projects (called subprojects) under the relevant project database scheme., For the project database, data is selected from Statistics Denmark’s databank of basic data and, if relevant, data from other sources (such as the institution’s own data). The data content in project databases is subject to the data minimisation principle, and for that reason, data in a project database must be applied in several subprojects., In the project database scheme, the project database is called the main project. Other projects in the project database scheme are subprojects of the project database. The authorised institution that owns the project database therefore owns both the main project and the subprojects in the scheme., The target group of the project database scheme is institutions that:, are authorised for microdata schemes at Statistics Denmark., have at least five active projects with significantly overlapping data., continuously extend their project portfolio with new subprojects with significant overlap in the underlying data., Terms of a project database scheme, Project databases are subject to the following terms:, The institution is required to appoint one to three experienced project database managers who will be the assigned liaison officers with Statistics Denmark. Only project database managers get access to the actual project database., The project database and subprojects are subject to the data minimisation principle., The user must pay for all costs associated with the creation, operation and maintenance of the relevant project database. Subprojects are considered regular projects and are handled and invoiced separately., You can keep a project database going for as long as it is used for active subprojects. The project database can only be preserved as long as it is used for subprojects to an extend that is consistent with the data made available in the project database. The project database can thus be limited or discontinued if Statistics Denmark estimates that this is no longer the case., The authority scheme, The authority scheme makes microdata available to Danish institutions that carry out tasks for the authorities, i.e. departments, agencies and directorates, regions and municipalities. The scheme meets the demand for ad hoc analyses with tight deadlines. , Read more about the Authority scheme,  (in Danish), Data confidentiality and access rules, Access to data is given in agreement with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation, especially article 5(1)(c): , “Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (‘data minimisation’).” , This also applies to section 10 of the Danish Data Protection Act: , “Data as mentioned in Article 9(1) and Article 10 of the General Data Protection Regulation may be processed where the processing takes place for the sole purpose of carrying out statistical or scientific studies of significant importance to society and where such processing is necessary in order to carry out these studies.” , Read more on Statistics Denmark’s Data confidentiality policy and Information security policy

    Registers and reference types

    Statistics Denmark has gathered a vast series of historical register data in our databank of basic data, which users can access via the platform Denmark’s Data Portal. Research Services manages the databank of basic data and handles access to the platform, support, etc. Most registers in the databank are updated at least once a year in connection with release of the register-based statistics (, see Scheduled releases, ). , The data safari and the List of registers and variables (below) both show the registers in Denmark’s Data Portal, and here you can see variables for the individual registers. The documentation of variables is available in Statistics Denmark’s , documentation system, ., Go to Data safari , Go to List of registers and variables (in Danish),  , Overview of rerun registers (in Danish), Genkørte registre 2024. - 1. kvt (pdf), Genkørte registre 2023 - 4. kvt (pdf), Genkørte registre 2023 - 3. kvt (pdf), Genkørte registre 2023 - 2. kvt (pdf) , Genkørte registre 2023 - 1. kvt (pdf), Genkørte registre 2022 (pdf),  , Reference types, Registers in the basic data overview are compiled by means of different reference types. Next to each register in the basic data overview, you can see which reference type a register has: ’Status’, ’Statusperiode’ (status period), ’Forløb’ (longitudinal) or ’Hændelse’ (incident)., Status, The reference type shows the status for a given date. For example, LONN (structure of earnings), which shows what a citizen earns as of the register date (e.g. 31 December 2021). Or BEF, which shows the population as of the quarter date (including status of residence, age, family, etc.)., Data definition: Clear status as of a given date. The population delimitation and all data content is focused on the date., Status period, This reference type shows the period status, where the population is delimited as of a given date, but the variables contain summed up data for a specific period. For example, IND, which contains the labour income for a year (the period appears from ’Opdateringsfrekvens’ (update frequency) in the basic data overview). Other examples of status period registers: PERSBEST (board members and managers), MFR (medical birth register), HANDICB (financial support for disability cars), DMRB (motor vehicles). It is not always easy to see what is being summed up., Data definition: The population delimitation is made as of a given date, but the content of the variables is accumulated over a given period. The period cannot be deduced from dates in microdata, but from the indicated period (shown under ‘Opdateringsfrekvens’ (update frequency)) – meaning that content in for example amounts, volumes, quantities etc. is aggregated over the indicated period (e.g. a quarter, a year)., Longitudinal, Here, data covers a longitudinal study. There will always be just one version of the register available. For example, UDD, which contains Highest educational attainment. Or BEFADR, which is an address key register (where e.g. 1.4m addresses changed key on 1 January 2007 in connection with the local government reform). When a longitudinal register is updated, the individual dataset is updated. This is why there is always only one dataset for a longitudinal register., Data definition: The definition of longitudinal data is that data contains a start date and an end date., Incident, Here, data covers an incident. For example, UDFK, which contains primary and lower secondary school marks (does not include a date but a school year), or OPHGIN (basis of right of residence for immigrants). When a longitudinal register is updated, the individual dataset is updated with new incidents. This is why there is always only one dataset., Data definition: The definition of incidents is first and foremost that data contains a date - only one date - for the occurrence of the incident, and will usually also have one incident type attached., Documentation for the use of registers, Statistics Denmark has prepared a memo describing the coherence between several of the most used registers in Statistics Denmark’s microdata scheme and their connection with the published statistics., The social statistics registers in Statistics Denmark consist of comprehensive data collections, which have been built and extended since the early 1980s. Data is of high quality and comprises the whole population. This gives the users of data unique possibilities of analysis, allowing them to analyse both status at a given point in time and the development over time., The memo is primarily intended for researchers, analysts and other users of microdata who want to obtain deeper insight into the quality of the coherence between the different registers. , Read more on Documentation for the use of registers (in Danish), Especially on the Data Warehouse for Business Statistics, In January 2024, Statistics Denmark launched the new Data Warehouse for Business Statistics – a significant extension and improvement of the existing business registers. , The new warehouse ensures wider and better access to anonymised data on enterprises and facilitates extraction of unique data by linking data across more statistical registers. The data warehouse also facilitates linking of business statistics and social statistics at micro level, the so-called ‘Linked Employer-Employee Data’ (LEED). , Read more in , this brochure (pdf), or see , the presentationen of The Data Warehouse for Business Statistics on 30 November 2023 (pdf), .

    Prices and price agreements

    The price of a Research Services assignment is based on the time it takes to solve the part elements of the assignment. We have two types of price agreements: , fixed-price agreements and framework agreements, . You can also commission a combined fixed-price and framework agreement. Furthermore, you will be paying rent for disk space for active projects on Statistics Denmark’s servers. If you have your own-hosted server set up at Statistics Denmark, you must pay for the set-up and for routine maintenance., Table 1: Hourly rate and renting of disk space, Hourly rate for private institutions, DKK 2,299 excl. VAT, Hourly rate for public institutions*, DKK 1,674 excl. VAT (after deduction of the special contribution from the Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation via the coordinating organ for register research, KOR)., Renting of disk space, DKK 16 excl. VAT per 5 Gigabyte (GB) disk space per quarter, *For public authorised institutions, a special contribution is given towards the hourly rate from the Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation via KOR., Research Services offers paid-for services to users of Statistics Denmark’s microdata schemes. Initially, we offer consultancy in connection with questions for clarification of an assignment. For this, we invoice the actual time used at the hourly rate in force at any time. This also applies should you decide to not proceed with the assignment. If we subsequently enter into a specific fixed-price agreement for the assignment, the service and consultancy will be included in this (within reason)., Fixed-price agreements and framework agreements, Both fixed-price agreements and framework agreements are based on the time it takes to process and deliver an assignment. The time is charged by the hourly rate in force at any time. Research Services uses standardised prices based on the average estimated time consumption for a given service assignment., Fixed-price contract, The price is determined based on an estimated time consumption for a given service. With a fixed-price agreement, you thus pay the same price for comparable services., Further on the structure of fixed-price agreements, The price of a fixed-price agreement is based on one or more of the following assignment elements. The below table shows the various elements of the assignment, which are charged on the basis of fixed-price agreements and associated time consumption., Assignment element, Time consumption, Project proposal (processing and approval hereof), 2, Extraction of one data set from register, 1.05, Extraction of two data sets from register, 1.09, No additional time charge in case of data extraction from register <= 15 variables,  0, Additional time charge in case of data extraction from register > 15 variables,  0.5, Population creation of one data set,  1.05, Population creation of two data sets,  1.09, No additional time charge in case of extraction from register <= 15 variables,  0, Additional time charge in case of population creation > 15 variables,  0.5, Further, the assignment price consists of a fixed extra charge for additional services and consultancy of 20 per cent of the price of the assignment part elements, which are not necessarily in direct contact with you. Such part elements are, for example, participation in meetings etc., internal documentation, documentation requirements, invoicing etc., Population creation and data extraction from registers include time consumption for e.g. programming, pseudonymisation and control of data extractions from , Research Services databank of basic data, . The population creation and the data extraction from registers may also include time consumption for control and pseudonymisation of a population submitted to Research Services from other sources than the Research Services databank of basic data., Framework agreements, The price is variable and the service is charged according to the actual time consumption on the specific service. We invoice every hour of work commenced. If we have used less than one hour on an individual assignment, we invoice for the first hour of work commenced., Further on the structure of framework agreements, When an assignment is particularly consultancy dominated or consists of data sources that are not a part of the Research Services databank of basic data (for example other statistical data from Statistics Denmark, data from Statistics Denmark Survey or data from external sources), you can get a framework agreement. You can also get a framework agreement once we have initially reviewed data incl. documentation with one or more of the following specifications:, Data from statistical division or Survey in Statistics Denmark. This is charged via a framework agreement based on the actual time consumption. The service includes, for example, data extraction from register in the statistical division, pseudonymisation and direct communication and consultancy, back office activities and internal communication., Data submitted from sources outside Statistics Denmark. This is charged via a framework agreement based on the actual time consumption. The service includes control and pseudonymisation of the submitted data.,  , Part elements of an assignment, The total price of a given assignment depends on the time it takes to solve the assignment and the part elements involved. For that reason, the price may vary from one assignment to the next. For example, the price depends on how many registers that are required to create a population, or from how many registers the project requires extraction of data., See the part elements of the assignment, Project proposal, : Processing and approval. The project proposal is charged via a fixed-price agreement, which is based on a fixed time value corresponding to two hours., Population, : Partly standardised data extraction from register. Population creation is charged via a fixed-price agreement, which is based on fixed time values per number of registers and variables., Standardised data from Statistics Denmark’s databank of basic data, : This is charged via a fixed-price agreement, which is based on fixed time values per number of registers and variables., Additional services and consultancy, : Direct communication and consultancy, back office activities and internal communication. This is charged via a fixed-price agreement that is based on fixed time values depending on the scope of the assignment., Additional data from Statistics Denmark, : Data extraction from register, direct communication and consultancy, back office activities and internal communication. This is charged via a framework agreement that is based on actual time consumption., Data from other data providers, : Processing of data submitted from you or other data providers. The data processing is charged via a framework agreement that is based on actual time consumption., Special data from Statistics Denmark, : Data compiled especially for the users (not in connection with statistics). The compilation is charged via a fixed-price or framework agreement that is based on actual time consumption for compilation divided by expected sales.,  , Examples of price calculations, Example of price calculation for a new research project, The population consists of all persons residing in Denmark at the end of the years 2015-2019 (extracted from BEF 201512-201912) aged 18 years or more at the statistical data period (AGE>=18). For these persons, data extractions must be made in the same period of their demographics (BEF, extraction from register), educational attainment (UDDA), their income and their family income (FAIK and IND) as well as employment information (DREAM)., Since Research Services rounds up to the nearest whole number due to the standardised price calculation method, the price is calculated according to the following table., Assignment element, Time consumption, Price, Project proposal, 2, Population creation, 2, Data extraction from register, 6, Data extraction from register > 15 variables, 0,  , Subtotal, 10 ,  , Additional services and consultancy (extra charge 20 per cent)*, 1 ,  , Total hours used, 11,  , Public user,  , 11 hours * 1,674.00 DKK = 18,414.00 DKK, Private user,  ,  , 11 hours * 2,299.00 DKK = 25,289.00 DKK, Example of price calculation for a new research project enriched with data from the Danish Health Data Authority, The population consists in persons with a consumption of some specific types of medicinal products found via variables in the Danish National Prescription Registry (LMDB2005-2015). These persons must not be registered as emigrated in the register ‘Historiske vandringer’ (VNDS), meaning that they must be marked INDUD_KODE=U. Furthermore, they must not be registered in ‘Døde i Danmark’ (DOD)., Relevant demographic conditions (found in the following registers: BEF, BEFADR, VNDS, DOD) are then linked to these persons, and so are their registrations in the National Patient Register (LPR_ADM, LPR_BES, LPR_DIAG, LPR_SKSUBE) both before and after the registration in the National Prescription Registry. Moreover, the population from Statistics Denmark is transferred to the Danish Health Data Authority for enrichment with data from the Danish Pathology Register. The processing and pseudonymisation of data from the Danish Health Data Authority are not included in the price., Assignment element, Time consumption, Price, Project proposal, 2, Population creation, 4, Data extraction from register, 14, Data extraction from register > 15 variables, 0,  , Subtotal, 20 ,  , additional services and consultancy (extra charge 20 per cent), 4 ,  , Total hours used,  24,  , Public user,  , 24 hours * 1,674.00 DKK = 40,176.00 DKK, Private user,  ,  , 24 hours * 2,299.00 DKK = 55,076.00 DKK,  , Determination of the hourly rate, The hourly rate is determined once a year based on four part elements. The final hourly rate consists in a number of part elements including a development contribution of 3 per cent., Surcharge, : Income forecast for the current year and accumulated surplus/deficit from previous years, Overhead Statistics Denmark and externally funded activities, : Joint expenses, for example for staff, rent, electricity etc. and common administration of externally funded activities, such as maintenance of data bank of basic data, development of externally funded activities etc., Overhead Research Services, : For example, authorisation of new institutions, control of transferred files, sanctioning and general development of the microdata schemes and Statistics Denmark’s Data Portal etc.,  , Other services, Renting of disk space, Projects take up space on Statistics Denmark’s servers. For that reason, we have introduced renting of disk space, so that you as a user are made aware of how much storage capacity your project takes up on Statistics Denmark’s servers. You will only pay for disk space for active projects using a storage capacity over 5 Gigabyte (GB) on the servers. An active project is defined by a minimum of one user logging on to the project within a quarter., Disk space renting is charged on a quarterly basis, and you are invoiced for all projects for which your institution is data controller. For an individual active project using a storage capacity of more than 5 GB, the institution will be charged quarterly in units of 5 GB. Disk space renting will be charged, regardless of the reason for logging onto the project and how often during a quarter., Hosted server, Statistics Denmark also offers to host your own servers, which will be located at Statistics Denmark. , Read more about requirements and prices for hosted servers ,  , FAQ on prices, We have gathered some of our frequently asked questions on prices below., FAQ on prices, Why does the price vary from one assignment to the next?, An assignment is composed of several part elements. The assignment is priced based on the part elements of the assignment. This is why the price may vary, for example depending on the number of registers used for population creation, populations from other data providers or the number of registers from which the project needs data extraction. The part elements of the assignment are described in the section “Part elements of an assignment”., The hourly rate has changed over the years – why?, You can see the changes in the hourly rates of Research Services below., All institutions, 2013, 1,248 DKK, 2012, 1,187 DKK, 2011, 1,167 DKK, 2010 2nd half, 1,197 DKK, 2010 1st half, 1,229 DKK, 2009, 1,229 DKK , 2008, 1,229 DKK, Prices after 2014, Private institutions, Other public institutions, 2024, 2,130 DKK, 1,538 DKK, 2023, 2,130 DKK , 1,568 DKK,  , 2022, 2,130 DKK, 1,568 DKK,  , 2021,  2,168 DKK, 1,735 DKK,  , 2020, 2,202 DKK, 1,745 DKK ,  , 2019,  2,202 DKK, 1,607 DKK,  , 2018, 2nd half,  1,749 DKK, 1,050 DKK,  , 2018, 1st half,  1,749 DKK, 1,050 DKK,  , 2017,  1,650 DKK, 1,050 DKK,  , 2016,  1,650 DKK, 1,050 DKK,  , 2015,  1,750 DKK, 1,050 DKK,  , 2014,  1,650 DKK, 1,050 DKK, There are various reasons for the price changes., Each year, we adjust the hourly rate for surcharge, which accumulates the surplus/deficit of previous years. Moreover, we include an income forecast for the current year, which can cause variations from one year to the next., Public institutions are not allowed to generate a profit. For that reason, Statistics Denmark regularly adjusts the hourly rates so that they reflect the actual costs and make the accounts balance., In 2014, a distinction was made between private and public institutions, when Research Services for the first time received a special contribution from the coordinating organ for register research, KOR, among others, supporting the hourly rate for public users. This accounts for the difference in price depending on whether a private or a public institution owns the project., Why must I pay for other variables to be added to my project?, Changes in an already existing project must be described in the project proposal and/or the variables documentation. Furthermore, they must be documented and the approval must be renewed in Research Services.  The only exception that does not require renewed approval is an update of an already approved population or variable., The approval requires a number of processes, which can be anything from dialogue between you and Research Services to a review of the project and its variables documentation for renewed approval of the project. The process can vary considerably depending on the project, and the time consumption up until the approval is in the range of 1-4 hours whether for new projects, updates or extensions. The price of processing a project proposal is therefore set at two hours. If the time consumption exceeds four hours, a supplementary agreement is made in the form of a framework agreement to cover the actual processing time., We encourage you to make a professional assessment of when and how often you apply for approval of project changes,, so that we can reduce the number of ongoing and minor changes., For how long is a quotation valid?, A quotation is valid for 30 days starting from the date of the quotation. After that, we recalculate the quotation at the current hourly rate., How we charge for a project database? , The charge is based on an annual contract with a fixed-price agreement that includes update of agreed register data in the project database as well as a possible framework agreement for additional services, such as deliveries from the project database to sub-projects and consultancy according to the needs of the project database., The establishment of a project database follows the same pricing guidelines as a new project. Since the project database has a longer time perspective than a project, an annual contract on updating is entered. Thus, the pricing is based on an expected average time consumption for the service., The settlement period appears from the below table. The fixed-price agreement for updating of the project database is settled together with the Q2 settlement of ‘Additional services’. ‘Additional services’ are settled quarterly., Invoiced in the calendar year yyyy, Invoiced in the calendar year, The annual contract covers, Mid-January, Mid-April, Mid-July, Mid-October, Mid-January, Data extraction, Fixed-price agreement for data, Additional services, Consumption Q4 from the previous year, Consumption Q1, Consumption Q2, Consumption Q3, Consumption Q4, Why do prices of comparable services vary?, The price of services is based on past experience and averages. Comparable services may imply small differences in the various part elements that affect the price, for example, the price of processing external data (submitted from other data providers) compared to processing of standardised data extractions from registers in Statistics Denmark’s databank of basic data. If project changes appear later in the process, the price may change based on the changes. Furthermore, the hourly rate is calculated annually, which can also affect the assignment price., What is the background for Statistics Denmark’s prices?, Statistics Denmark is the central producer of statistics in Denmark, and the costs of carrying this obligation as an authority are covered by the Danish Finance Act., The data that we collect and store can be used for scientific and statistical surveys under Statistics Denmark’s researcher scheme. Only authorised research and analysis environments are granted access to data, and we charge for making data available for the surveys., In principle, the price must cover the costs associated with performing the assignments from the initial dialogue to the final dialogue no later than 30 days after the assignment has been delivered., The price must further contribute towards the costs associated with:, Consultancy on the use of data in the individual project., Administration of the scheme, for example authorisation, Data access rights, Standardisation of register data, Development of our user services, Securing continued high data security and data confidentiality, Overhead costs, Statistics Denmark’s pricing is subject to the rules on externally funded activities in the public sector and is checked by the National Audit Office of Denmark. Income and expenditure must balance, and the income from services must not be used to fund the obligations of the authority. The financial balance is continuously monitored across a ten-year average.

    Linking of additional data

    Statistics Denmark’s register data can be linked with other data materials, here called additional data. This can be, for example, extractions from registers outside Statistics Denmark, your own data – for example survey data – or data from other data providers., Additional data must be documented and comply with the same requirements to data minimisation and statistical disclosure control that Statistics Denmark applies in general., These requirements must ensure that only additional data needed in the project is provided and that Research Services get the information necessary to be able to handle the additional microdata and make it available in the specific project., Use of additional data must comply with the same rules regarding confidentiality and transfer as those that apply to Statistics Denmark’s microdata. , Read more about the rules on transfer and sanctioning, Any other data must be provided safely to Statistics Denmark. , You will find the guide for uploading additional data sets under ‘Use of FSE upload’, Requirements for additional data, Only approved and documented data:, Additional data must be covered by an approved project proposal. Documentation of the additional data content must be uploaded as an appendix in Denmark’s Data Portal. See below under ‘Documentation of additional data’., No information identifying individuals or businesses:, Personal names, company names, responses with free text in surveys and other information roughly identifying individuals or businesses is not allowed to be included in additional data. Such variables must be removed or categorised before additional data is provided to Research Services., Only the required key variables:, You may include only the key variables, e.g. civil registration number, required to link the additional data with the other data on the project. Key variables that are not needed must be removed before data is provided to Research Services., Only numeric variables and categorised text variables:, Additional data may not include non-categorised text variables, such as free text., Only information required for the specific project:, Key variables for which there is no need, must be removed before data is provided to Research Services., File formats, Additional data may be provided in the following formats:, .ASC, .CSV, .DTA, .ODS, .PDF, .SAS7BCAT, .SAS7BDAT, .SAV, .XLS, .XLSX, Documentation of additional data, Additional data must be documented, so that Research Services gets the information that is necessary to be able to handle the additional data and provide it for the specific project. For that reason, the institution is responsible for uploading an overview with the below content as an appendix in Denmark’s Data Portal., A short description of data (for example origin and content), Name of the data set, names of variables and a description of the variable content., The key variables that must be de-identified. This means the variables required to link the additional data with the other data in the project (e.g. civil registration number)., Which additional variables must be de-identified? This means variables that can be attributed directly to individuals or businesses (e.g. CVR number, grant number for health practitioner, serial number, or other ID numbers)., Does the additional data include key variables that must be linked with key variables in previously provided data sets?, If data is provided directly to Research Services from another data provider, further documentation may be necessary, e.g. variables that must be deleted (see ‘Requirements for additional data’ above)., The overview must be uploaded as an appendix in Denmark’s Data Portal under ’Additional data sources’ in a generally available format (Excel, Word or similar)., If data is to be linked with more populations, the documentation must be attached as an appendix under ‘Additional data sources’ for minimum one of these populations. The additional data must appear under ‘Additional data sources’ for each population., When the additional data has been provided to Statistics Denmark and the documentation has been uploaded in Denmark’s Data Portal, it is recommended that you notify the project owner in Research Services via email., Submitting files that do not include microdata, Files that you need in your project and that do not include microdata (e.g. programme files), must not be uploaded via FSE Upload., The files can be sent directly to the project owner in Research Services, if you are working on a subproject for a project database. If you are working under the researcher scheme, you can send an email to ,, . In both instances, you must attach the files to the email. Further, you must:, Confirm that you have checked the files to ensure that they do not include microdata., Confirm that the files do not include microdata., Provide a short description of the content of the files and its relevance in terms of the purpose of the project., Indicate the specific path to where the files must be located., Ensure that the files are submitted in a generally available format that can be opened and checked by Research Services without use of specialised software.,  , De-identification, When the additional data has been received in Research Services it will be de-identified in the same way as any other data that belongs to the project. This happens by de-identifying key variables. Subsequently, the additional data is made available together with any other data in the project., Providing additional data to Research Services, Additional data must be provided safely to Statistics Denmark, Additional data can be provided safely to Statistics Denmark in the ways stated below:, Use of FSE Upload, Under Statistics Denmark’s microdata schemes, it is possible to upload additional files with data to be used in an existing project. Only data and documentation can be uploaded. Programmes etc. can be sent to the Research Services employee who is responsible for the project (project owner)., The documentation must either be sent to the project owner from Statistics Denmark or be uploaded in one of the allowed file formats., Before you upload, Before you upload data to be used in a project, you must ensure that the criteria for use of your data in the project have been met. The requirements are described at the top of the page under ‘Requirements for additional data’., The handling of additional data is invoiced according to the actual time used, unless otherwise agreed., Contact the project owner in Statistics Denmark in advance., How to upload the files, You log in via in the same way as when you are going to work on a project., Under 'Applications and Links' select 'FSE-UPLOAD'., Write the project number of the project where your data is to be used., When the project title is shown next to the project number, you must check that you have selected the right project for uploading of data., If relevant, add a comment concerning your data in the comments field for the project owner at Statistics Denmark. Actual correspondence should take place via email. , Add files to be uploaded by clicking `Add file'. You can add one or more files. Each file may run up to 2 GB., Note that not all types of files can be uploaded. You can see the list of allowed types under `File formats' further up on the page., When all files have been selected, you must click `Upload'., When all the files have been uploaded, you can log out in the bottom right-hand corner., If relevant, see , this guide for FSE upload (pdf, in Danish), , which includes screenshots of the upload process., Use of secure email, Data can be sent via secure email to ,, in one of two ways: , The institution retrieves Statistics Denmark's certificate at the website for download of security certificates (in Danish): Select ,, . For Outlook, we recommend the Vcf format. , After this, additional data must be sent to ,, . Always indicate project number and project owner in Research Services in the subject field of the email and notify the project owner in Research Services directly, once the additional data has been sent. Statistics Denmark does not offer any support for encryption or digital signature. Refer to your own IT department for guidance using mitID and secure email., The institution can use a secure, encrypted tunnel (SEPO). The set-up is individual for different institutions and must be handled by the institution's IT department, which should be involved before the additional data is sent., You must always indicate the project number and notify the project owner in Research Services that the email has been sent using an encrypted tunnel (SEPO). If using an encrypted tunnel, additional data must also be sent to ,, ., Registered letter or personal delivery, For data security reasons, we recommend that you use one of the above options., If this is not possible (e.g. if the files are very big), it is possible to provide password-protected additional data on physical media directly to Statistics Denmark at the below address. The contact person for the project in Research Services and the project number must always appear from the material handed in:, Statistics Denmark, Service Desk, Sankt Kjelds Plads 11, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Att. Contact person for the project in Research Services, Re. project number: 7XXXXX, Additional data can either be delivered personally at Statistics Denmark's reception or be sent by registered mail to Statistics Denmark on a physical medium (DVD, CD-ROM or USB, which will not be returned). When provided on a physical medium, the additional data must be password-protected. Password must not be provided together with the physical medium., When the additional data has been received, you must send the password via email to the contact person for the project in Research Services.,  , Other data providers, Other data providers can provide additional data directly to Statistics Denmark at the request of the institution and by agreement between Research Services and the data provider. Delivery of additional data must take place in one of the above ways, but you must make sure that the additional data complies with the requirements above before it are delivered to Research Services., Do , not , send data via standard email, Additional data must not be sent via standard email, since this is not a secure delivery mode.

    Specifically about re-proposals

    If you need to update a project that has already been approved and created, a re-proposal is required. This means that your project proposal must be updated in Denmark’s Data Portal and re-assessed by an employee from Research Services., You must make a re-proposal, if you want to update the existing data of your project, so that it is supplemented with additional years in the same registers. The same applies if you want to add entirely new data (registers/variables), whether it is new data from Statistics Denmark’s basic data, from external providers and/or from your own data. , Video guide for creation of re-proposal (in Danish), The procedure for re-proposals varies depending on which type you are making. Get help with the different types of re-proposals in the guides at the bottom of the page., General principles for re-proposals of projects, Data relevance and data minimisation, a. The statement of the purpose of data must be specific, precise and easy-to-understand., b. The combination of register units and types of populations must be justified., c. “Additional data” must also be covered in terms of relevance to society/purpose/description., The proposal must give a comprehensive view of the project, while the appendix has the details, a. It must be possible to read the proposal and the appendix both separately and as coherent documentation of a project.,  , Guide for re-proposal of an approved project created before Denmark’s Data Portal, Projects that were created and approved before we transitioned to Denmark’s Data Portal (projects created before 15 September 2022) already exist in Denmark’s Data Portal, but the project proposal is blank. When you are going to re-propose the project for the first time, you have to complete the project proposal.  ,  , Project details, Text from the original project proposal must be entered in the fields ‘Purpose’, ‘Description’ and ‘Relevance to society’., If relevant, add more text to ‘Purpose’, ‘Project description’ and ‘Relevance to society’. Note that the project proposal must meet Research Services’ requirements to project proposals., Check also that the end date matches how long you expect to need access to data, and choose who can approve the project proposal among the signatories of the institution., Project access, Check if the right authorised users have been granted access to the project. Add or remove project access, if you wish. If users, to whom you want to give access, do not have access, an administrator or contact person with powers can add them by clicking the icon ‘Project access’ at the top of the workflow. This can also be done after approval of the project proposal. , Data content, Under Data content, the majority of basic data from the original project proposal has already been uploaded, but populations have not been described. Your originally loaded data content is located under ‘POP A – migrated data’ and is locked against editing. You must check for yourself if all your basic data has been loaded to POP A and, if relevant, add what is missing., Pay special attention to the fact that longitudinal and incident registers also need to be added. It is only possible to select these for the latest year and they may have been re-named. The most recent longitudinal and incident register must therefore be selected as documentation for the project. This also applies, even though the project has older versions of the register and you do not want to buy access to the more recent version., To update the data content in the re-proposal, you must:, Duplicate POP A to a POP B, so that they are identical., a) Copy data from ’POP A – migrated’ data to ’POP B Basic data’. You can copy all data from POP A by clicking the three dots to the right of the heading and select ’Duplicate population’. Add any data located in raw data that has not been migrated., b) It must be possible to read POP B as the project’s original/first population (if there are several populations)., In the field for POP B, you must insert the original description of the population under ’Description’., a) If you need to extend the population and have the same register extraction as the original population, you can write this under the description of POP B., b) If the extended population is to have a new or changed register extraction, it can be created as a new POP C with a separate data description., ’Additional data’ must only appear in one location: If you have additional data, this must not be added to POP A., a) Additional data is described as a whole under POP B or, if relevant, under the population it concerns. Data may only be described in one location., b) Under the additional data of any other populations, you must refer to the additional data of the first population., If you only want to update the project with more register years: Add the new years/variables and send an attachment to your contact person indicating which new variables/years you want for each register., Infrastructure, Under infrastructure, you can see on which server the project is located. In case of a re-proposal, you do not need to change anything., Summary, Check the content of your re-proposal here. Once you have completed the documentation of all data sources, you must send the re-proposal to the administrator of your institution by clicking ‘Submit to administrator’. The administrator will review the re-proposal before sending it to Research Services., If you yourself are an administrator of your institution or a contact person with special powers, you can send the re-proposal directly to Research Services. Click ‘Submit’., After that, Research Services will go through the proposal and make comments, if relevant. You are welcome to submit the proposal, even though you are in doubt about a few things. Later, we can then look at it together., If you already have a contact person from Research Services attached to your project, we recommend that you also send an email to your contact with an overview of what needs to be updated., Guide for re-proposal of an approved project created in Denmark’s Data Portal, If you have a project that has been created and approved in Denmark’s Data Portal, it is already on the platform with a completed project proposal. When you are going to re-propose the project in order to update data, you can use the old project proposal as a basis. The old project proposal will continue to be visible in Denmark’s Data Portal, and the system automatically marks any changes., When you are going to create a re-proposal, you must go to ‘Data orders’ and then click ‘Re-proposal’. Here, you will see a list of the projects you can access. Select the project that you want to re-propose. You are now automatically guided to a project proposal flow where you can add information to the existing project proposal. It is not possible to edit previously approved content., Project details, Under the first tab ‘Project details’, you will see the already existing project proposal to which you can add text. If relevant, add more text to ‘Purpose’, ‘Project description’ and ‘Relevance to society’. Note that the project proposal must meet Research Services’ requirements to project proposals., Check also that the end date matches how long you expect to need access to data, and choose who can approve the project proposal among the signatories of the institution., Project access, Check that the right authorised users have been granted access to the project. Add or remove project access, if you wish. If requested users do not have access, contact persons with powers or an administrator can add them by clicking the icon ‘Project access’ at the top of the workflow. This can also be done after approval of the project proposal., Data content, Under ’Data content’, you will find your originally loaded data content., Basic data, You can add data to the populations that have already been created and approved on the project. Click ‘Add data’ under ‘Data content’ to add basic data. Then select if you want ‘Basic data’ or ‘Additional data’, and select the population to which data should be linked. Subsequently, you can search for specific registers by means of search words or the subject structure. When you select a register, you can see the register coverage period and the variables included in the register, If you click ‘Add’, the register is added to the basket, and you must click it to select register period and variables., If you click ‘Select variables’, you go directly to the page where you can select period and variables., Additional data, If you want to update the project with data that is not from Research Services’ basic data, you must also click ‘Add data’ under ‘Data content’. Then select if you want ‘Basic data’ or ‘Additional data’, and select the population to which data should be linked. You now get to a page where you can see to which populations you are about to add data. Click ‘Add source’ and give the source a meaningful title and description. For example ’Danish cancer register (Source: The Danish Health Data Authority)’, ’Survey (Source: Statistics Denmark)’ or ’Danish laboratory database (Source DKKP)’. Upload list of variables and appendix to the project proposal., Populations, You can also create an entirely new population: Click ‘Create population’ directly under the heading ‘Data content’. For the new POP, you must enter a title, description and the basic data that it is going to tap into. Edit the population title and description by clicking the blue square with an arrow to the right of your population title. Here you must describe the requested population in non-professional terms. If the population is created on basic data, you must upload an appendix with a description of which registers, years and variables it must tap into., General recommendations for the data content, If your project has several populations with the same data content, you can describe these under the same population. In this event, indicate it clearly using subheadings in the free text field if there are several sub-populations. You can also create these as separate populations, such as POP A and POP B. In that case, you only need to add basic data to the first of the created populations, such as POP A. For the remaining populations, add an ‘Additional data’ source including a reference to the data basis of the first population, for example ‘see POP A for Data basis and Additional data sources’., If your project has multiple populations with different or partly different data content, you must create these as separate populations. Different data content must be added and described under the specific population to which data is to be provided., Note that it is not possible to edit population descriptions, once they have been approved. However, you can add data sources and change the description of ‘Additional data’ sources in connection with subsequent re-proposals., Infrastructure, Under infrastructure, you can see on which server the project is located. In case of a re-proposal, you do not need to change anything. , Summary, Check the content of your re-proposal here. When you have completed the documentation of all data sources, you must send the re-proposal to the administrator of your institution by clicking ‘Send to administrator’. The administrator will review the re-proposal before sending it to Research Services., If you yourself are an administrator of your institution or a contact person with special powers, you can send the re-proposal directly to Research Services. Click ‘Submit’., If you already have a project owner from Research Services attached to your project, you must also send an email to the project owner with an overview of the registers and years that must be updated., Re-proposal of subproject created , before, Denmark’s Data Portal, If your project was created before the launch of Denmark’s Data Portal, all the data on the project must be registered. Since one of the conditions for approving the project proposal is that the population is described and well defined, and regrettably, it is not possible to edit the description of POP A, you must create a new population. If the project consists of several populations, you must create a corresponding number., Create a new population, : Click ‘Create population’ under ‘Data content’. Edit the population title and description by clicking the blue arrow next to the population. Describe the requested population in non-professional terms. If the population is created based on data from Denmark’s Data Portal, you must upload an appendix with a description of the registers, years and variables it must tap into, so that it is possible to programme it. If it is an external population, you must describe it and upload an appendix with a description of the population., Add data from Denmark’s Data Portal, : Click ‘Add data’ and select either ‘Data from Denmark’s Data Portal’ or ‘Project database’. Select relevant populations and search for specific registers. Add registers to your basket to select register period and variables., Data from Project database, : Register already transferred data from the project database under ‘Data from Project database’ by indicating register name and year. If data exists in the project database, you should choose to register it here., Additional data, : Add registers that are no longer available in Data from Denmark’s Data Portal under ‘Additional data’. This includes historical data. Select ‘Additional data’ under data sources, indicate the name of the register and period, and indicate that it is historical data., Other data, : Add already approved data from sources outside Denmark’s Data Portal under ‘Additional data’. Describe any additional data on the project here, and upload a list of variables and documentation as an appendix, if so required. Examples could be the Danish cancer register or survey data from Statistics Denmark., Check, : Now check that all data provided on the project is documented. If registers or appendixes are missing, you can still add these., You are now ready to add new data. This is done as already described. Bought-in data from Denmark’s Data Portal must be registered as ‘Data from Denmark’s Data Portal’ on the project, transfer from the project database must be registered under ‘Data from Project database’ and external data must be added under ‘Additional data sources’. Note that you cannot select a register from both Denmark’s Data Portal and the project database. If you do not have all variables on the project database, you can buy-in the register from Denmark’s Data Portal. Your contact person in Research Services needs you to send an appendix with the registers, years and variables that you want for the re-proposal., Re-proposal of subproject created in Denmark’s Data Portal, It is possible to edit directly in data on the populations that have already been created and approved in the subproject. You can add bought-in data from Denmark’s Data Portal, register data from Denmark’s Data Portal extracted from the project database as well as register external data. Moreover, you can create new populations., Add data from Denmark’s Data Portal, : Click ‘Add data’ under ‘Data content’. Select either ‘Data from Denmark’s Data Portal’ or ‘Data from Project database’, and select the populations to which data must be attached. You can search for specific registers by means of search words or the subject structure. When you select a register, you can see its coverage period and the variables it includes. If you click ‘Add’, the register is added to the basket, where you can select register period and variables. If you click ‘Select variables’, you go directly to the page where you can select period and variables., Data from Project database, : Data that is to be transferred from the project database must be registered under ‘Data from Project database’ with register name and year. Please note that you cannot select a register from both Denmark’s Data Portal and the project database. If you do not have all variables on the project database, you can buy-in the register from Denmark’s Data Portal., Additional data, : You can add data that are not from Denmark’s Data Portal under ‘Additional data’ sources. This could be member data or data from the Danish Health Data Authority. For each additional data source, you must indicate a title and a description of data. The description must be telling and brief and may include specification of period and list of variables. If you have a list of variables, you can also upload this to the project., Create a new population, : Click ‘Create population’ directly under the heading ‘Data content’. Edit the population title and description by clicking the blue arrow next to the population. Describe the requested population in non-professional terms. If the population is created based on data from Denmark’s Data Portal, you must upload an appendix with a description of the registers, years and variables it must tap into, so that it is possible to programme it. If it is an external population, you must describe it and upload an appendix with a description of the population., Note that it is not possible to edit population descriptions, once they have been approved. However, you can still add data sources and change the description of ‘Additional data’ sources in connection with subsequent re-proposals., Infrastructure, Under infrastructure, you can see on which server the project is located. In case of a re-proposal, you do not need to change anything., Summary, Check the content of your re-proposal., When you have completed the documentation of all data sources, you can submit the project proposal for approval., If you are not the administrator of your institution or a contact person with special powers, the institution administrator must review and submit the project proposal to Research Services. Click ‘Send to administrator’., If you are the administrator of your institution or a contact person with special powers, you can submit the proposal directly to Research Services. Click ‘Submit’., If you already have a contact person from Denmark’s Data Portal attached to your project, we recommend that you also notify that person.