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    Documentation of statistics: Hospitalization

    Contact info, Personal Finances and Welfare, Social Statistics , Line Neerup Handlos , +45 26 64 03 00 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Hospitalization 2023 , Previous versions, Hospitalization 2022, Hospitalization 2021, Hospitalization 2018, Hospitalisation 2017, Hospitalization 2016, Hospitalization 2015, Hospitalization 2014, Hospitalization 2013, The purpose of the Hospital Utilization Statistics is to shed light on the connection between social and demographic conditions and admissions or out-patient treatments, etc. in hospitals., Statistical presentation, The statistics is an annual inventory of admissions to and out-patient treatments at public and private somatic and psychiatric hospital wards within one calendar year. The statistics show how hospital admissions varies with demographic and social factors, such as residence, sex, age and family etc., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The register data received from the National Patient Register is linked with background data from Statistics Denmark and counts are made, e.g. number of admissions and number of out-patient treatments and patients at public and private somatic and psychiatric hospital departments during the calendar year., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, Public and private actors and the population can use these data on the population's hospital use for analyses, research, debate, etc. Value creation occurs by calculating specific diagnosis groups as well as by linking hospital use with socio-demographic factors, e.g. place of residence, family type and ancestry. This is achieved by linking National Patient Register data with register data on the population from Statistics Denmark., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The National Patient Register is validated by the Danish Health Data Agency and the accuracy of the register data must be considered to be high because the registration has a long tradition and a high priority for administrative purposes. Accordingly, the overall accuracy of the Hospital Utilization Statistics is high. However, the transition from LPR2 to LPR3 took place continuously and slightly staggered between the regions in February-March 2019, which is why reservations are made for missing LPR3 data for the beginning of 2019., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, Delay has occurred due to the transition to a new National Patient Register with a new register structure regarding data on admissions. Tables on number of hospital admissions (2019-2021) were published in 2022, and tables on out-patient treatments were published in 2023. In 2024, 8 additional tables were published on 2019-2022 data, and in January 2025, 14 tables on the basis of 2023 data were published. The punctuality is high. , Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, The statistics has been developed since 1990, but due to the new data structure in the National Patient Register there is a data breach between 2018 and 2019. , Eurostat and the OECD make comparable statistics in this field. There are a number of organizational and institutional conditions that we must keep in mind when comparing countries. , Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, The statistics are released in the newsletter Nyt from Statistics Denmark (in Danish only) and the Statbank, Statbank tables on hospitalisation rates ( Statistical Yearbook and Statistical Ten-Year Review contain selected sections about hospitalisation rates. , Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market

    Contact info, Science, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics , Søren Østerballe , +45 23 42 32 97 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2022 , Previous versions, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2021, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2020, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2019, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2018, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2017, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2016, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2015, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2014, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2013, Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market 2012, The purpose of the statistics is to analyze workplaces as well as persons employed within the cultural sector. The statistics is compiled from 2008 and is published annually., Statistical presentation, The statistics on Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market are compiled annually and provide data on workplaces, entrepreneurs, jobs and persons employed in the cultural sector. Detailed results are disseminated through a number of tables in StatBank Denmark and main results and links to tables can be accessed at the subject page for economic conditions for culture as well as in the annual publication Culture (from 2015 and onwards)., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The statistics is based on edited register data from the Establishment-related Business Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics, Educational Attainment, and Business Demography. The number of jobs are calculated for workplaces (establishments) in relevant activity sectors and are linked to personal data on e.g. age and educational status for employees., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The statistics is accessible for everybody and can be used for summaries of the entrepreneurship, educational status and employment within the cultural sector. The statistics may be used for analyses, planning and debates on the topic of cultural employment, etc., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The statistics is based on validated data from Statistics Denmark's central registers that form the basis of official statistics, refer to the documentations of statistics for Establishment-related Business Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics, Educational Attainment, and Business Demography. No actual measurement of the quality and no calculations on measures of accuracy has been performed., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics is published 20 months after the end of the reference period awaiting the compilation of source register data. It is a fairly new statistics that has been published punctually., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, The current time series starts in 2008 and is without any data breaks. The statistics can be compared to selected results from the Establishment-related Business Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics, Educational Attainment, and Business Demography. Eurostat and Unesco regularly publish reports on the same subject matters as this statistics., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, These statistics are published annually in the StatBank under the subject , Education and employment in the cultural field, . For further information, go to the , subject page, . , Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Account Statistics for Fishery

    Contact info, Food Industries , Charlotte Spliid Hansen , +45 29 41 97 76 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Account Statistics for Fishery 2023 , Previous versions, Account Statistics for Fishery 2022, Account Statistics for Fishery 2021, Account Statistics for Fishery 2020, Account Statistics for Fishery 2019, Account Statistics for Fishery 2018, Account Statistics for Fishery 2017, Account Statistics for Fishery 2016, Account Statistics for Fishery 2015, Account Statistics for Fishery 2014, Account Statistics for Fishery 2013, Account Statistics for Fishery 2012, The purpose of the Account Statistics for Fishery is to review the economy of the fishery sector. The statistics is used in economic models and as a basis for yearly economic statistical reports for the fishery to EU (DG Mare). The statistics has been produced by Department of Food and Resource Economics at University of Copenhagen since 1996 and was transferred to Statistics Denmark from January 2009., Statistical presentation, The Account Statistics for Fishery covers the commercially fishery by fishing vessels registered in Denmark. The statistics is based on vessel units and is calculated for groups of fishing vessels (fleet segments) based on vessel size and main gear use., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The authorized accountants report yearly the account for their fishery client. The collected accounts are thoroughly tested. When all accounts has been approved for statistical use, the sample of approved accounts are used together with register data for the entire population to simulate individual accounts for all units not in the sample. The complete dataset with individual balanced accounts for all units in the population is merged with register data on vessel characteristics, gear use etc. in order to calculate parameters for statistical groups (vessel segments)., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The statistics is relevant for government administration, researchers and stakeholders within the fisheries. Furthermore the data is used in the Fleet Economic Report to EU. , Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The statistic is based on a sample and the results are uncertain. The precision rely on the covering of the sample. Therefore the sample rate is bigger for vessels with high revenue. The aim is each year to include the 100 biggest vessels in the sample, and that approximately 80 per cent of the total value of landings in Danish fishery come from the vessels in the sample. Investments have the most uncertainty, because exchange of a vessel could result in closure of the fishing firm, and set up a new firm to run the new vessel., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics is normally made public before one year after the conclusion of the refence year., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, The Account Statistics for Fishery is prepared using the same overall principles as the account statistics for agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture. The statistics has been prepared yearly since 1996. Break in series occurs in 2022 due to changes in methods for calculation population cutoff, as well as a new and improved basis for classifying which fishing types the vessels are grouped into. Break in series also occurs in 2001 due to inclusion of unpaid salary to active (working) partners, and in 2009 and again 2012 due to improved calculation of the capital value of fishing rights., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, The statistics is published yearly in NYT from Statistics Denmark. Data is accessible on StatBank Denmark in the tables AKFIREGN, FIREGN1, FIREGN2 and NFISK. More information on the statistics subject web-page: , Fishery, Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)

    Register-based indicator for the share of young persons from 16-24 years who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). , Introduction, NEET is an acronym for "Not in Employment, Education or Training", and this set of statistics accounts for the number of young persons from 16-24 years who are not in employment or education. The statistical data period is the last week of November, and a person is categorised as not active (NEET), if he or she is not in employment in that week and is not in education either in that same week as well as the preceding three weeks., The statistics are based on the Labour Market Accounts (LMA) and facilitate the calculation of a NEET indicator based on register data. The statistics have taken inspiration from the NEET indicator, which is defined by Eurostat as well as the OECD, and which is calculated from the interview-based Labour Force Survey (LFS)., Documentation, Documentation of statistics, Get an overview of the purpose, content and quality of the statistics. Here you can find information on the sources that the statistics are derived from, what the statistics contains and how often it is published., Labour Market Account, Key figures, In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data on Population (16-24 years) (NEET2), Related content in Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET), Tables in Statbank , Scheduled releases , Contact, Pernille Stender, Phone: +45 24 92 12 33, Mail: ,

    Subject page


    Contact Information, Senior Advisor, Bo Lønberg Bilde, , mobile +45 91 37 64 26, Head of Division, Marie Fuglsang, , mobile +45 20 35 39 25, Statistics Denmark conducts surveys for both private and public customers. We carry out nationwide surveys with a random sample of the Danish population and businesses. We can also use our extensive registers as a basis to form a sample. This means that we can carry out interviews among almost any sample in Denmark, such as: , Parents of children in kindergarten , Nurses who completed their training 3-5 years ago , Car owners in the metropolitan area , Export Companies in the capital area , Companies of a certain size in Jutland   , There are many more options than the ones mentioned above. Contact us to learn more about the possibilities., The surveys are carried out either via a web form, using telephone interviews or a postal questionnaire or a combination of these three methods., Delivery, Results from the survey can be delivered as anonymised data on an individual and company level and/or coupled with register data in tables. If you want to analyze data from Statistics Denmark registers coupled with data from the study on an individual or company level this can be done through our Division of Research. Read more about the possibilities here ,, ., Price, The price depends on the content and scope of the survey. When the design of a particular survey is settled, we will send you a final price quote. It is also possible to get supplementary questions included on the monthly omnibus survey – an inexpensive way to conduct small studies with high quality.

    Documentation of statistics: Economics and employment of the sporting activities

    Contact info, Science, Technology and Culture , Søren Østerballe , +45 23 42 32 97 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2023 , Previous versions, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2022, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2021, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2020, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2019, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2018, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2017, These statistics highlight the economy and employment in the sports industry, thus providing a picture of the sport as a profession. These statistics are comparable from 2013 onwards., Statistical presentation, These statistics are an annual estimate of key economic and employment figures, by sports industries, including turnover, payroll and number of full-time employees., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The statistics are based on registry data from the Employment statistics and General Business Statistics for the selected sports industries., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, These statistics are available for all to be used for a description of the economy and employment in the sports-related industries., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The statistics are based on validated register data, which is considered to be of high quality, cf. the relevant statistics documents. There is no definite quality measurement of the statistics, as well as no calculations on uncertainty., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, Publications are made annually approximately twenty months after the end of the reference period., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, These statistics can be compared to selected results from the Employment statistics, The Register-Based Labor Force Statistics and the General Company statistics, as well as the Industrial Structure and Labor Market., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, These statistics are published in the StatBank under , Economics and employment of the sporting activitiess, ., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Imprisonments

    Contact info, Population and Education , Iben Birgitte Pedersen , +45 23 60 37 11 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Imprisonments 2023 , Previous versions, Imprisonments 2022, Imprisonments 2021, Imprisonments 2020, Imprisonments 2019, Imprisonments 2018, Imprisonments 2017, Imprisonments 2016, Imprisonments 2015, The purpose of the statistics is to analyze the number of arrests for violation of the penal code and the special laws (among these the Danish Road Traffic Act). The statistics on imprisonments was published for the first time for the year 2015., Statistical presentation, The statistics shed light on the number of arrests for violation of the penal code, the road traffic act and other special legislation. In the published statistics the arrests are classified into type of offence, outcome and education. Demographically the statistics are divided into age and sex., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, Data on imprisonments, which Statistics Denmark receive from the Central Criminal Register, are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's Population Register and Statistics Denmark's Educational Register. Data are already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The statistics are used broadly by the authorities, enterprises, organisations, researchers, the press, in the public debate etc. Views and suggestions from key users are taken into consideration in the preparation of the statistics., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The data used in the statistics are drawn from the Central Criminal Register. The data are typically drawn about 1 February following the relevant calendar year. A number of imprisonments started/ended during the calendar year have not been registered before the data are drawn. This implies that the total number of imprisonments presumably is under-estimated., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics are published approximately 5 months after the end of the reference year. The statistics are published without delay in relation to the scheduled time., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, Since 2015, the statistics has been prepared on the same date source. In general the statistics is therefore comparable during time. As a consequence of law amendments or wishes for more information on specific kind of offences the division of type of offences has been altered during the years. , Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, In StatBank the statistics are published in the tables , STRAF70, , , STRAF71, , , STRAF72, , , STRAF73, , og , STRAF74, ., Furthermore the statistics are published in the publication , "Kriminalitet", (Criminality)., See more at the , Subject page, ., Taylor made statistics can be produced on the basis of data from different registers, moreover through Statistics Denmark's Division of Research Service it is possible for researchers to be granted access to anonymised data., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics