Contact info
Food Industries, Business StatisticsMichael Brogaard
+45 51 62 70 89
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The statistics is used by the fish farmers and their organization, Danish Aquaculture, as well as authorities and legislators. The statistics is used in economic models and as a basis for yearly economic statistical reports for aquaculture to EU (DG Mare). The statistics has been produced by Department of Food and Resource Economics at University of Copenhagen since 2004 and in the current form by Statistics Denmark from 2017 and onwards.
User Needs
Danish and European authorities, including particularly the The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark and the European Commission's Directorate-General of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. in addition researchers and national and international students, organizations in aquaculture and enterprises broadly related to the sectors, e.g. credit grantors.
User Satisfaction
The statistics is monitored by both a contact comity and a working group. Both are orientated of the statistics and are normally satisfies with the statistics.
Data completeness rate
The statistics contains as well land as sea based aquaculture farms. Main figures are published for all commercial farm types but for types with only a few farms detailed figures can not be published.