Statistical processing
Contact info
Food Industries, Business StatisticsMichael Brogaard
+45 51 62 70 89
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Data for this statistics are collected yearly from the aquaculture companies' chartered accountants using an electronic accounting form. The collected accounts (the sample) are thoroughly tested, and possible errors corrected in cooperation with the reporting accountant. When all accounts are approved for statistical use, the sample of approved accounts are used together with register data for the entire population to simulate individual accounts for all units not in the sample.
Source data
The Account Statistics for Aquaculture is based on accounts retrieved from the aquaculture companies' chartered accountants. The administrative registers in The Danish Fisheries Agency constitutes the basis for the construction of accounting units, arranging and stratification of the population, selection of the sample, and raising from sample to population.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
The accounts are collected on a harmonized accounting form completed by the companies' accountant. Participation in the statistic is in principle voluntary, in the sense that the company beforehand has agreed to allow its accountant to report the economic data. The list of companies who has accepted to participate is continuously updated by Statistics Denmark.
Data validation
Every account submitted is tested thoroughly. The accountants can validate the balanced spreadsheet in MS Excel via build in macros. After submission to Statistics Denmark the accounts undergo a more thorough validation both individually and as groups.
Data compilation
The part of the population that is not in the sample is estimated using a simulation model where every item of the account is calculated on the basis of production information from the aquaculture register from The Danish Fisheries Agency and the submitted accounts divided in representative groups. Hereafter all results are aggregated in the relevant segments. Furthermore accounts for some companies has been collected from Danish Business Authority in order to get a more accurate estimate of Gross output, assets and liabilities.
No corrections are made other than described in data validation and data processing.