Statistical presentation
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Food Industries, Business StatisticsMichael Brogaard
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The Account statistics for aquaculture is an annual estimation of the production value and costs, results, assets and liabilities and investments of the aquaculture sector in Denmark.
Data description
The Account statistics for aquaculture specify the factor input, production and sales revenue (gross output), costs and operating profit, together with assets, liabilities investment and financing. The statistic is presented for the whole population and for farm types.
Classification system
These statistics is grouped in farm types which are:
- Traditional farms: Land based farms with drain to water courses, lakes or the sea, and with a water intake of more than 25,000 liters per kg of feed, or with no regulated water intake.
- Farms with low recirculation: Land based farms with a water intake of between 5,000 and 25,000 liters per kg of feed.
- Farms with medium recirculation: Land based farms with a water intake of between 1,000 and 5,000 liters per kg of feed.
- Farms with high recirculation: Land based farms with a water intake of less than 1,000 liters per kg of feed.
- Sea farms: Sea based farms with net cages, wire boxes or similar, in which the production requires feed.
- Mussel and oyster farms: Sea based farms with long lines, socks, wire constructions or similar for production of mussels and oysters.
Sector coverage
Fisheries and aquaculture.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Return of investment: Profit from primary operations plus financial income, expressed as a percentage of average asset mass.
Assets: Fixed assets and Tangible assets.
Aquaculture: Farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc. Farming also implies individual or corporate ownership of the stock being cultivated.
Other operating income: Income that does not relate to primary operations, such as gains from the sale of intangible and tangible fixed assets or rental income, reimbursed sickness and maternity benefits or wage subsidies, e.g. to students and unemployed persons.
Fixed assets: Assets intended for permanent ownership or use by the company, such as buildings, machinery, fixtures, patents, licenses and long-term investments of a financial nature, such as equities and bonds.
Calculated Owner Remuneration: In 2015 calculated as 380.139 DKK per enterprise with a production value of 1 mill. DKK and above. For enterprises with a production value less than 1 mill. DKK, the amount is reduced proportionally. It's corrected each year according to the development of wages in the agriculture sector.
Gross Output: The Gross Output in kroner is the value of fish, spawn, shellfish and regulation of fish stock sold from the farm. Also included is other aquaculture activities.
Costs: Costs relevant to the making of Gross Output.
Net Profit: Profit after Interest Expenditures, net, Corporation tax and extraordinary income, net. Net Profit pays the owner remuneration and invested capital.
Investments: Investments, net. investments in and sales of fixed assets.
Current Assets: Current assets covers stock, outstanding debt, other financial assets and cash balance.
Net profit ratio: Result from ordinary operation (profit before financial and extraordinary items) measured in per cent of the sum of turnover and other operating income.
Liabilities: An accounting expression for how the assets are financed.
Production: The production in metric ton is the volume sold from the farm (fish, spawn, shellfish and regulation of fish stock)
Operating Profit: Gross Output minus Costs
Farm Solvency, pct.: (Net capital, end of year / assets, end of year) * 100
Statistical unit
Unit used in the statistics is the physical production unit, the aquaculture farm.
Statistical population
The statistics covers the Danish aquaculture sector. In order to be part of the population the aquaculture farm has to be active and commercial, producing fish for consumption, Fry and fingerlings, spawn for consumption and Eyed eggs for breeding.
Non commercial farms are mainly test farms, farms producing crayfish and clubs and associations that with voluntary work force produce fish for release in to streams and lakes.
Inactive farms are primarily farms with no production in the year. If a firm with multiple farms submits the firms total production in one farm, and it is not possible to split the report into the relevant farms, the remaining farms are characterized as inactive.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics covers the period from 2017 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Account variables are given in 1,000 DKK,, Key figures are given in per cent. Production volume is given in metric ton or 1,000 pieces. Energy consumption is given in megawatt hours, MWh.
Reference period
Calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Council Regulation (EC) no. 2017/1004 on collection of economic data for fisheries and Commission Regulation no. 2019/910 specify the detailed rules for application. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries has the authority given by the Danish Fisheries act to collect the data, and has by agreement of April 23rd 2009 delegated the compilation of the statistics to Statistics Denmark.
Cost and burden
No response burden is estimated as participation in the survey is voluntary.
Other information is available on the statistics subject page or by contacting Statistics Denmark.