Research Libraries (Discontinued)
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The purpose of the statistic is to disseminate the activity in the area of research libraries in Denmark. The statistic is produced by Statistics Denmark since 2009.
Statistical presentation
The purpose of the statistic is to disseminate the activity in the area of research libraries in Denmark.
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Statistical processing
Data for this statistics is collected annually from the research libraries via electronic questionnaire. Data from each research libraries are checked in relation to their reporting for the previous years. Data collection takes place at the same level of detail as what the final statistics are published on.
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The main users are politicians, students, community organizations and the libraries themselves. There have not been performed any survey on user satisfaction for this particular statistics.
Accuracy and reliability
In 2014, the response rate was 71 per cent. Some other research libraries do not report to the research library statistics. There are neither imputed nor listed for the missing values. Therefore, the values are underestimated in relation to the actual level. Data is published for the individual research libraries.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published about 6 months after the reference year end without delay.
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Data is comparable from 2009 onwards. The statistics are based on the DS / ISO 2789 standard, which is the international standard for compile library statistics. The statistics are based on DS / ISO 2789 standard and is therefore comparable with other statistics for library activity.
Accessibility and clarity
Publishing takes place in the following channels: Statistikken udgives i Newsletter. I Statistikbanken offentliggøres tallene under emnet Forskningsbiblioteker. Publication about culture in DanishKultur.