Data is comparable from 2009 onwards. The statistics are based on the DS / ISO 2789 standard, which is the international standard for compile library statistics. The statistics are based on DS / ISO 2789 standard and is therefore comparable with other statistics for library activity.
Comparability - geographical
There has been no comparison of these statistics with similar international surveys.
Comparability over time
The statistics are comparable to previous releases from 2009. By 2016, the questionnaire has been reduced to questions about economics. For the other research libraries, the number of questionnaires has been reduced for the libraries' response burden. Central variables such as lending and stock can still be compared back to 2009.
Coherence - cross domain
The statistics are based on DS / ISO 2789 standard, which is the international standard for compile library statistics. and is thus comparable to other statistics for library activity.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.