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Statistical presentation

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Research Libraries (Discontinued)

The purpose of the statistic is to disseminate the activity in the area of research libraries in Denmark.

Data description

Library statistics show activity in research libraries in Denmark.

The most important inventories are stock, surplus, growth, lending, renewal of lending and interurban loans. The research libraries are divided into libraries with special commitments and other research libraries. Research libraries with special obligations are major research libraries with a staff of at least 3 years, permanent opening hours and headed by a library-trained person. Other research libraries meet certain minimum requirements. employs at least ½ library-graduated man-years and has a fixed opening time. It is the Agency for Culture and Palaces, which categorizes the research libraries and sends the population to Denmark's Statistics.

Classification system

Not relevant for these statistics.

Sector coverage


Statistical concepts and definitions

Interlibrary loans: Interlibrary loans are loans of materials between libraries.


Statistical unit

For information about stock or loans the statistical unit is materials. For information related to visits or events the statistical unit is number of people. For information relating to libraries' accounts the statistical unit is Danish kroner.

Statistical population

The population is all research libraries in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

For information about stock and use of electronic resources data is available from 2014. For all other information data is available from 2009.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

For figures related to stock and loans the statistical unit are materials. For statements concerning visits the statistical unit is number of people. For statements concerning libraries accounts the statistical unit is Danish kroner.

Reference period

Calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination

Release takes place once a year.

Legal acts and other agreements

The statistics are not based on any EU regulation.

Cost and burden

The statistic is not regarded as an significant burden for the data providers.


Additional information can be obtained from Statistics Denmark.