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Statistical presentation

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Resource productivity (Discontinued)

The statistics on resource productivity provides data on industries and resources used in production and what the resource returns relative to productivity or turnover. Intensities for energy consumption and waste generation are also shown.

The statistics are produced in connection to the Environmental-Economic Accounts for Denmark (Green National Accounts).

Data description

The statistics are annual and consists of a set of tables, based on customized tabulations of existing statistics - designed to inform analysis of resource productivity.

  • The tables RP01 and RP2 are based on the National Accounts and contains data on key economic variables (intermediate consumption, production per intermediate consumption, gross value added per intermediate consumtion) by industry groups as well as commodity groups. In table RP01 the commodity groups are based on HS, harmonized systems - while in RP02, the commodities are grouped by degree of processing (raw materials, intermediate and final goods).
  • The table RP03 is a special table based on the statistics on Manufacturers' purchases of goods, with the goods classified according to degree of processing.
  • The table RP05 describes the structure of costs for industries, e.g. how much costs for consumption of goods makes up as part of total costs.
  • The table RP06 contains energy and waste intensities for industry groups. These are indicators of how much energy is consumed / waste is generated - per unit of production and gross value added.

Detailed information on the statistics used for creating the RP tables are in their respective Documentation of statistics. That is for RP01, RP02, RP05 National Accounts - input, output tables, for RP03 Manufacturers' purchases of goods and services, Accounts statistics for non-agricultural private sector, and for RP06 it is Energy accounts and Waste Accounts.

Classification system

The classifications used are the same as in the National Accounts, and in the other underlying statistics.

Sector coverage

Includes all sectors.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Gross value added: Is calculated as the production less intermediate consumption.

Intermediate consumption: Goods, services and other costs of production. Does not contain compensation of employees and other taxes less subsidies on production.

Cost element: An element of the costs of an enterprise. E.g. purchase of goods, compensation of employees, or taxes on production.

Resource productivity: Resource productivity can be defined as turnover divided by the product.

Resource productivity indicates how much turnover is generated for each price unit used product.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The population is not the same for the underlying statistics. Detailed information in their respective Documentation of the statistics.

Reference area


Time coverage

The individual statistics have different time periods.

The primary source has data from 2005 and forward ( current year -2).

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The unit of measure is number, million DKK, ton, petajoules and percent depending on the variable and where it is published.

Reference period

01-01-2017 - 31-12-2017

Frequency of dissemination

Annual statistics.

Legal acts and other agreements

The statistics on resource productivity is based on existing data. Data is collected partly by Statistics Denmark and partly by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Cost and burden

The direct response burden is zero. The data are collected through other statistics.


See subject page Green Economy.