Contact info
National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentSara Elisabet Svantesson
+45 30 46 42 06
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Waste accounts are of relevance for administrative bodies, researchers, NGOs, businesses, the educational sector and individuals - all with interests in waste, resources, economic-environmental interactions, the circular economy etc. To ensure international comparability, the waste accounts are prepared according to the UN statistical standard SEEA (System of Environmental Economic Accounting) 2012.
User Needs
Users are administrative bodies, researchers, NGOs, businesses, the educational sector and individuals - all with interests in waste. resources, economic-environmental interactions, the circular economy etc. The Waste Account is part of the data for environmental and climate-model GreenREFORM, developed by DREAM.
User Satisfaction
The statistics are discussed with expert users in the user committee for economic-environmental statistics and accounts, material in Danish only.
Data completeness rate
Not relevant for these statistics.