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Waste Accounts

Waste accounts measure the amounts of generated waste distributed to 117 industry groups. Within the industry groups, waste is distributed according to categories and forms of treatment. Imports and exports of waste are distributed according to form of treatment and waste category. The waste accounts are published annually and disseminated through a press release and tables in the StatBank.

The statistics is part of the Environmental-Economic Accounts for Denmark (Green National Accounts).

Municipal waste by municipality, treatment form and waste type is compiled for the first time in 2023.

Data description

Waste accounts are part of the Environmental-Economic Accounts (Green National Accounts). The amounts of generated waste are distributed to the same 117 industry groups used across all other parts of the green national accounts, as well as in the core national accounts. Within the industry groups, waste is distributed according to 32 categories as well as to forms of treatment. The waste accounts are published annually and disseminated through a press release and tables in the StatBank. Municipal waste by municipality, treatment form and waste type is compiled for the first time in 2023.

The Waste Accounts include data for environmental and climate-model GreenREFORM, in the form of tailored tables compiled by a special classification of industries.

Classification system

The industry groups are the same as in the Danish National Accounts. These are based on the national version of NACE rev. 2 , with a limited number of deviations.

The categories of waste are based on the so-called 'E/H'-codes of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The category 'soil' contains soil from digging etc. in construction. A special kind of soil, stemming from cleaning and washing of beet, is not included here. It is instead part of 'other waste'. Soil from beets was previous to 2012 required to be deposited due to risk of spreading of beet disease, but since 2012 it can be used on selected fields (counted as materials recovery).

The source data are also classified according to the European List of Waste. Waste accounts are not published according to this classification.

Municipalities are aggregated to five municipality groups, for the purpose of highlighting differences between rural and urban areas.

In the tables for GreenREFORM, a special adjusted classification of industries is used.

Sector coverage

All sectors, incl. households, are covered.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Waste: Waste is any object or material the holder discards, intends to discard or is required to discard. Objects or materials which are reused (such as bottles that are refilled after cleaning) are not waste. Manure is not waste.

Segment: Segment (or waste segment) is a classification of waste according to material, composition and origin based on the Danish 'E/H' codes.

Mixed municipal waste: Waste which is mainly composed of kitchen waste, hygienic waste, packaging etc. and typically produced by households. Household waste which is sorted and collected under separate schemes, e.g. for glass and paper, is not included.

Waste suited for incineration: Waste, not suited for materials recovery and which can be incinerated without causing unacceptable amounts of pollution. Not included are waste types which are required to be either collected for materials recovery or deposited, and waste which it is forbidden to incinerate.

Biodegradable waste: The waste category biodegradable waste is used to classify separately collected biodegradable waste. In interpreting the numbers, it is important to note that biodegradable waste is also found as part of unsorted waste categories, especially in mixed municipal waste.

Glass: The waste category glass is used to classify separately collected glass waste. In interpreting the numbers, it is important to note that glass waste can also be found in unsorted waste categories, especially in mixed municipal waste.

Plastics: The waste category plastics is used to classify separately collected plastics waste. In interpreting the numbers, it is important to note that plastic waste is also found as part of unsorted waste categories, especially in mixed municipal waste.

Paper: The waste category paper is used to classify separately collected paper waste. In interpreting the numbers, it is important to note that paper waste is also found as part of unsorted waste categories, especially in mixed municipal waste.

Cardboard: The waste category cardboard is used to classify separately collected cardboard waste. In interpreting the numbers, it is important to note that cardboard waste is also found as part of unsorted waste categories, especially in mixed municipal waste.

Hazardous waste: Waste is counted as hazardous when it has been reported as belonging to the category 'hazardous waste' to ADS or the detailed waste type, according to the reported EWC code is classified as hazardous. This is the same definition as in the waste statistics from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Waste suited for deposition: Waste which is not suited for either materials recovery or incineration.

Materials recovery: Any recovery operation where waste materials are processed into products or materials. This includes processing of organic materials, but not energy recovery, processing into materials for incineration or for landfill purposes.

Primary waste: Primary waste, or primary waste production, is waste that is not produced from treatment of other waste (secondary waste). Secondary waste is e.g. residuals from incineration of waste.

Residuals from incineration: Ashes and slag from incineration. In the tables covering primary waste generation, this does not include residuals from incineration of waste, as these are defined as secondary waste. In the tables on exports and import, residuals from incineration of waste is included in this category.

Special treatment: Separate treatment of waste by special processes, reserved for hazardous waste.

Statistical unit

The local unit is used for distribution of waste to industry groups.

Statistical population

All production units (local units) in Denmark that produce primary waste and all households. For the accounts of import and exports of waste, the population consists of all production units exporting or importing waste (regardless of whether it is primary or secondary waste).

Reference area


Time coverage

These statistics cover the time period from 2011 and onwards. Waste by municipality covers 2013 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Waste amounts are measured in metric tons.

Reference period

01-01-2022 - 31-12-2022

Frequency of dissemination

Annual publication.

Legal acts and other agreements

Data is collected by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and no separate regulation is required for Statistics Denmark. Law on Statistics Denmark (§6) regulates the access of Statistics Denmark to data from administrative sources.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency collects waste data according to Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste statistics.

Cost and burden

Based on administrative data, collected by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. There is no burden on respondents from Statistics Denmark.


Waste accounts are presented on the subject page Material flows and waste.