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Statistical processing

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Waste Accounts

Waste data are validated in the Danish Environmental Protection Agency before Statistics Denmark receives them. The data processing in Statistics Denmark primarily concerns the detailed and complete distribution of the waste to the 117 industry groups of the Green National Accounts.

Source data

Waste accounts are based on data from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. All enterprises collecting or treating waste are required to report electronically through a system called 'ADS'.

Frequency of data collection

Statistics Denmark receives data annually from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Data collection

Data is not collected by Statistics Denmark. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency collects data through an electronic reporting system.

Data validation

The data reported into the electronic system for waste (ADS) are validated and edited at the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, who uses the data in their annual report on waste statistics as well as for reporting to EU. Data validation in Statistics Denmark focuses on the distribution to industry groups according to activity codes. The activity codes are also to some extent validated and edited in the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Especially, all waste classified as construction waste is categorized as coming from the construction sector.

Some waste is reported from unlikely activities. Data editing focuses on waste from holding companies, headquarters and enterprises engages in renting out commercial buildings. In all three cases it is most likely that the waste was generated from the 'real' activity, rather than from the holding, controlling or renting out. Therefore, these activity codes are disregarded and the waste treated in the same way as the waste reported without activity code.

Data compilation

Data processing consists of distribution of waste according to industry groups, followed by aggregation to the groups used in publication.

The detailed and complete distribution of waste to industry groups takes place through a series of steps. First, the activity codes reported to ADS and validated by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency are used, inclusive of edits made by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Then the remaining waste is distributed. A small part is assigned to industry groups based on the code from the European List of Wastes, which in some cases is detailed enough to mean that the waste can be from only one industry group.

Next, remaining waste is distributed proportionally, meaning that waste without activity codes is distributed with the same percentage added to all the industry groups already having waste of the same category. The result is that all waste is assigned to an activity code based on NACE rev. 2 (the national version, DB07). The share of total waste distributed in this way is about 1-2 per cent annually, but with variations among categories of waste.

Finally, special procedures distribute waste to those industry groups which are specific to the (green) national accounts and which are not directly based on NACE rev. 2. (see separate list of industry groups). The main principle is that figures on hours worked is used for distribution of the waste. For construction, data (from the source, ADS) on whether waste is from businesses or households is used to distinguish how much waste is assigned to the group for 'own-account repair and maintenance' (DIY).

For the municipal distribution of household waste, information from the source data about municipality is used. A small share (1-2 per cent) of the waste lacks information on municipality. Specifically for sludge from wastewater treatment, the distribution in VANDUD is used. For the remaining waste, a proportional distribution is conducted, based on the type of waste.


Nothing further than what is described under statistical treatment and validation.