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Energy Accounts for Denmark

The energy accounts link data on energy with the national accounts. The energy accounts are based on the same definitions and classifications as the national accounts. This implies that the use of energy as described in the energy accounts is fully consistent with the description of the economic activity as described in the national accounts. In 1974, the first energy accounts for Denmark were made as a reaction to the first oil crisis. At the same time the accounts were made for the years back to 1966.

Statistical presentation

The energy accounts account for 46 different energy commodities. The energy accounts are made up in specific physical quantities (tonnes, m3, GWh), energy units (joule) and gross energy consumption. The energy account is published in newsletters (Nyt) and in the statistical database.

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Statistical processing

Energy accounts are compiled using a method of product balancing. Supply and use of each energy product are compiled in a way to ensure their equality and are balanced by utilizing all the relevant information from the available sources.

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The energy accounts are used by ministries, governmental agencies and organizations as a part of the surveillance of measures in the field of energy policy. Within Statistics Denmark, the energy accounts are used as basis for the supply use tables of the national accounts and as basis for the compilation of the air emissions accounts. The energy accounts are furthermore used as basis for input-output model based analyses.

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Accuracy and reliability

Precision and reliability are estimated to be great for the overall energy consumption thanks to energy statistics from the Danish Energy Agency as well as statistics on production and foreign trade with energy products. The precision of the distribution of energy use by industry is estimated to be less accurate.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics is published anually approx. 6 months after the reference period. However, on the most detailed level the energy accounts are published approx. 18 months after the reference period. The first publication 6 months after the reference period includes only data aggregated on 36 industry groups. The statistics is normally published without delays on the announced date.

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The energy accounts are available in a comparable form back to 1966, which allows for consistent time series analysis. The energy accounts were revised for all year with the publication on 20 November 2013. The main focus of the revision was to ensure comparability and consistency over time. The statistics follow international standards and are thus largely comparable with similar statistics from other countries.

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Accessibility and clarity

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. Theme publications etc. may be published at other times of the day. Each publishing of data is followed by a news release. Energy accounts is included in the statistical ten-year review published annually. The data is simultaneously published on the webpage, where it is available as matrices in Excel, SAS, GAUSS and GAMS formats.

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