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Labour Market, Social Statistics
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Registered unemployment

Monthly publications: Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (News from Statistics Denmark) and Statistikbanken (Stat bank Denmark). Quarterly publications: Statistikbanken (Stat bank Denmark). Annual publications: Statistisk Tiårsoversigt (Statistical Ten-Year Review) and Statistikbanken (Stat bank Denmark). From the 12. of October 2022 and onwards the gross unemployment statistics will be expanded with an early monthly unemployment indicator published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (News from Statistics Denmark) and Statistikbanken (Stat bank Denmark).

You find more information on: Unemployment.

Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.

User access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

News release

You find more information on: Unemployment.


Documentation/publication of unemployment statistics

On-line database

The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subjects in the following tables:

  • AUS08: unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by region, seasonal adjustment and actual figures and time
  • AUS07: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by benefits, sex and age, seasonal adjustment and actual figures and time
  • AUF02: Unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age, sex and time
  • AUP02: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age, sex and time
  • AUS05: Social benefit (not prepared for employment) and hollyday allowance by type of benefits, seasonal adjustment and time
  • AUA01: Insured persons by region, unemployment insurance fund, age, sex and time
  • AULAAR: Net unemployed by sex, persons/pct. and time
  • AULK01: Full-time unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age, sex and time
  • AULK02: Full-time uenmployed persons/uemployed persons by type, type of benefits, age, sex, degree of unemployment and time
  • AULKP01: Full-time unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, age, sex and time
  • AUL02: Full-time unemployed persons/unemployed persons by type, type of benefits, age, sex, degree of unemployment and time
  • AUL01: Full-time unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age, sex and time
  • AULP01: Full-time unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, age, sex and time
  • AUL08: Net full-time unemployed persons by region, persons/pct., highest education completed, age, sex and time
  • AULK03: Full-time unemployed persons by region, country of origin, sex and time
  • AUL03: Full-time unemployed persons by region, country of origin, sex and time
  • AULP03: Full-time unemployed persons in per cent of the labour force by region, country of origin, sex and time
  • RASIE11: Labour force to calculate unemployment rates (ultimo november) by ancestry, country of origin, age, sex and time
  • RASIE22: Labour force to calculate unemployment rates (ultimo november) by ancestry, country of origin, region and time
  • AUF01: Unemployed persons (provisional) by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age, sex and time
  • AUP01: Unemployment in per cent of the labour force (provisional) by region, age, sex and time
  • AUP03: Unemployed insured persons (provisional) by region, age, sex, unemployment insurance fund and time
  • LIGEAI9A: Gender equality indicator of full-time unemployed persons by indicator, age, region and time
  • LIGEAB9A: Full-time unemployed persons by type of benefits, region, sex, age and time
  • LIGEAI9B: Gender equality indicator of full-time unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by indicator and time
  • LIGEAB9B: Full-time unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by sex and time

Micro-data access

Annual statistics at the level of CPR are stored electronically as from 1985. The corresponding monthly statistics are available from 1996. For the existing statistics, the new unemployment statistics are compiled backwards to April 2000. With the adjustment of the statistics (at the beginning of 2008), it is now easier to conducted longitudinal analyses at the level of individuals, e.g. analyses of the impact of each individual activation measure. These longitudinal data is available from January 2007 and onwards and consists of the following variables: Personal identification, type of unemployment, start- and end date, hours in unemployment per week and a 0/1-variable indicating if the person is considered to be gross unemployed or not.


The total amount of data laying behind the register based unemployment statistics is a splendid readiness for a lot of custom-made services. These services are typical delivered by custom-made tables and settled with an amount of money corresponding to the time spend on providing the demand figures/tables.

Confidentiality - policy

When the register based unemployment statistics is calculated as a number of fulltime-unemployed there is not a lot of problems concerning discretion matters. See also Statistics Denmarks general rules of discretion on general politic.

Confidentiality - data treatment

When the register based unemployment statistics is calculated as a number of fulltime-unemployed there is not a lot of problems concerning discretion matters. See also Statistics Denmarks general rules of discretion on general politic.

Documentation on methodology

The primary data and contents of the statistics are described in the present declaration of contents. For further information see Unemployment.

Quality documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.