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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Mikkel Zimmermann
+45 51 44 98 37

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Registered unemployment

  • Users: Municipalities, regions, ministries, job centers, organizations, international organizations, the media, private business enterprises, and private individuals.
  • Fields of application: Public and private structural analyses and trade cycle surveys, educational purposes and public debate.

There has not been any actual 'satisfaction-examination' carried out, but the general use of the statistics, for instance by the media, has always been considerable.

User Needs

  • Users: Municipalities, regions, ministries, job centers, organizations, international organizations, the media, private business enterprises, and private individuals.
  • Fields of application: Public and private structural analyses and trade cycle surveys, educational purposes and public debate.

User Satisfaction

There has not been any actual 'satisfaction-examination' carried out, but the general use of the statistics, for instance by the media, has always been considerable. From 2015 and onwards the unemployment statistics has been a significant input to the Danish Labour Market Account (AMR).

Data completeness rate

When the statistics is register based it is in the principle a complete data collection from the first release. In practice the current statistics is underestimated by 2-3 per cent for the last months data. The statistics is not attached to any regulations/guidelines on completeness.