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Statistical processing

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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Mikkel Zimmermann
+45 51 44 98 37

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Registered unemployment

All the data is collected from administrative registers. After receiving the data we make a data validation and a harmonization before entering the data into our oracle-database for further data processing, including an elimination of illegal 'overlapping' data. From the 12. of October 2022 and onwards we receive early register based information from the Danish labour market authority (STAR) to estimate an early unemployment indicator figure 10 to 12 days after the end of the reference month.

Source data

The unemployment statistics are compiled on the basis of the files of the Historical register of Insurance fund members (HAMR) maintained by the National Labour Market Authority, (STAR) and the Register for insured unemployment and early retirement pay (FLEUR) also maintained by STAR and direct data reports from the municipalities/STAR concerning the match/visitation-category and the scope of activation of recipients claiming social assistance. Information about unemployment benefit claimants is reported by the unemployment insurance funds, while information about persons receiving cash benefits under the Danish Social Assistance Act, is transmitted by the job centers.

Frequency of data collection

The data used for the unemployment statistics is collected on a monthly basis, but the data used for the unemployment indicator is received every day during the month.

Data collection

All the data is collected from administrative registers.

Data validation

In the first place we check that the data files have the expected dates, format and size. After loading the data into the database we check the level and dynamic towards the corresponding data from the last months and the same months last year. Regarding the unemployment indicator it is only possible to check the dynamic of the totals.

Data compilation

All the data is collected from administrative registers. After receiving the data we make a data validation and a harmonization before entering the data into our PSD-database for further data processing, including an elimination of illegal 'overlapping' data.


The actual reported unemployment figures are enumerated each month before the seasonal adjustment of the figures. The enumeration is calculated in the light of the actual observed lack of observations over the past.