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Statistical presentation

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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Mikkel Zimmermann
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Registered unemployment

The register based unemployment statistics (gross- and net-unemployed) provide monthly data on the unemployed population registered with the unemployment insurance funds and with the public job centres. The statistics comprise all unemployed persons insured against unemployment and non-insured persons who are available for work and at the same time claiming cash benefits under the Danish Social Assistance Act. The statistics are shown by municipality, sex, age group, type of benefit, unemployment insurance funds, country of origin and level of education.

Data description

The register based unemployment statistics (gross- and net-unemployed) provide data on the unemployed population registered with the unemployment insurance funds and with the public job centres. The statistics comprise all unemployed persons insured against unemployment and non-insured persons available for work and at the same time claiming cash benefits under the Danish Social Assistance Act. As from January 2010, gross registered unemployment figures are also published, defined as the sum of the registered (net-) unemployed population and persons in activation programmes and who are, at the same time, considered to be available for work. The statistics cover both the actual number of unemployed and the seasonally adjusted number of unemployed full-time persons as well as the unemployment rates in relation to the labour force and in relation to the number of insured unemployed persons registered with the unemployment insurance funds. The statistics are shown by municipality, sex, age group, type of benefit, unemployment insurance funds, country of origin and level of education.

The purpose is to produce statistics monitoring the structure and trends in the unemployed population and the causes of unemployment. The statistics are compiled on the basis of registers. The data sources of the statistics are: The Register for Insured unemployment and early retirement pay (FLEUR) and direct data reports from the municipalities/STAR concerning the match/visitation category and the scope of activation of recipients claiming social assistance. The statistics on the registered number of net unemployed have been compiled by Statistics Denmark since 1979.

From July 2017 the data source for the recipients of unemployment benefit is changed from RAM to FLEUR. At the same time the reference periods for the unemployment statistics is changed from 'unemployment benefit periods' to 'calendar months'.

From the 12. of October 2022 and onwards the gross unemployment statistics are expanded with a monthly unemployment indicator published 10-12 days after the end of the reference month.

Classification system

The register based unemployment statistics is published by 'province'/'landsdele', which is a special Statistics Denmark classification, see Province.

Furthermore the register based unemployment statistics is published by 'type of benefits', with the following four groups: Net unemployed recipients of unemployment benefit, Net unemployed recipients of social assistance, Activated persons on unemployment benefit and finally Activated persons on social assistance. However the breakdown on the unemployment indicator is only possible by the following two groups: Unemployed recipients of unemployment benefit and Unemployed recipients of social assistance.

Sector coverage

The statistics covers all sectors.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Full-time unemployed: The concept 'Full-time unemployed' is calculated as the sum of all the hours/parts the unemployed persons are registered as unemployed.

Statistical unit

The register based unemployment statistics is mainly published in the unit 'Full-time unemployed', see the description under the item 'Concepts and definitions'.

Statistical population

The purpose is to measure the total unemployment for persons aged 16-66 years old and resident in Denmark. This gross unemployment statistics is register based which means that the sources of the statistics includes all registered unemployed persons in Denmark. This population consists of all unemployment benefit recipients together with those recipients of cash benefit who are considered to be available for work.

Reference area


Time coverage

The monthly gross unemployment is published from January 2007 and onwards. The detailed monthly net unemployment is published from May 2000. The overall yearly net unemployment is published from 1979.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The unit of measurement for this statistics is 'Full-time recipients'. This unit of measurement is calculated as the sum of each individual persons hours/volume-parts in where they are receiving public benefits as unemployed compared to a whole working-week (37 hours).

Reference period

The unemployment statistics are compiled monthly, quarterly and annually. However the unemployment indicator is only compiled on a monthly basic.

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics are published on a monthly, quarterly and a yearly basic.

Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark, section 6, as amended by Act no 15 of January, 12, 1972, by Act no 386 of June, 13, 1990 by Act no. 1025 of December, 19, 1992, by Act no. 599 of 22 June 2000 and most recently by Act no 431 of 6 June 2005).

The register based unemployment statistics is not covered by any EU regulation.

Cost and burden

No response burden (caused by Statistics Denmark), because the statistics is based on administrative registers.


Supplementary documentation is available on Documentation of the unemployment statistics from Statistics Denmark.